A Message from Our CEO

Since our founding, Adobe’s mission has been to change the world through digital experiences. We believe as strongly today, as we did then, that powerful experiences change the way we think, interact, entertain, work, and improve the world around us. Equally enduring as our mission are Adobe’s values: genuine, exceptional, innovative, involved. Our mission and these values guide our company — and our more than 20,000 global employees — in how we run our business and in the positive impact we strive to make for our customers, and in the communities where we live and work.


We believe everyone has a story to tell. So we aim to empower everyone to express their creativity and tell their stories — from the world’s largest brands, to students, creative professionals, and emerging artists. In 2018, Adobe donated $30M in creative software to nonprofit organizations around the world. More than 7 million students now have access to Adobe Spark — our mobile application for easily creating beautiful images, videos, and web pages. Through our youth creativity and youth coding initiatives, we doubled the number of young people we have reached to 150,000 this year.


Our commitment to employees and our community is unwavering. In October 2018, we achieved pay parity between men and women employed at Adobe, across nearly 40 countries. We’re committed to fostering a workplace that is diverse and inclusive, where everyone feels valued and is empowered to do their best work. I am proud that we’ve taken this important step toward fair and inclusive recognition of all our employees’ contributions.

Adobe employees continue to give of their time and their talents to create positive change in our communities, through volunteering, nonprofit board service, and mentoring — as well as through monetary donations to causes they care about, matched by Adobe. Our total community investment exceeded $50M this year, and our communities are strengthened by the involvement and passion of our employees.


Adobe is committed to conservation and sustainability — running our business in a manner that reduces our impact on the environment. From our workspaces through our digital supply chain, we believe operational excellence and collaboration with our customers and suppliers is the way forward in meeting our RE100 goals and Science-Based Targets. This focus paved the way in 2018 to sign the first-ever renewable energy collaboration deal, procuring wind energy that will match our total California electricity use. We also partner with our digital supply chain to encourage them to adopt renewable energy goals so that we can accelerate the transition to clean energy throughout our footprint. Through this collaboration, we can achieve much more than we could alone. For the third consecutive year Adobe was one of only six software companies globally to be named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and we were named to CDP’s A List, which recognizes corporate pioneers for action on climate change.

I invite you to learn more about our corporate social responsibility efforts in this year’s report.


Shantanu Narayen
Chairman, President & CEO, Adobe Inc.