Collaborate with Lilly Singh!

Create content with one of YouTube’s top creators.

Lilly Singh wants to collaborate with YOU!

Lilly and Adobe are looking to select two talented creatives for a unique opportunity. Each creative will get paired up with a member of Lilly’s creative team to shadow, learn and collaborate on the production of a skit for Lilly’s main YouTube channel. They’ll also work together to document the process and their own experience for a three-part behind-the-scenes video series to be showcased on the Adobe Creative Cloud YouTube channel.

This opportunity is open to participation to video creators, editors, photographers and designers.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. This initiative is open only to subscribers of the
  2. Adobe Creative Cloud YouTube channel
  3. , a resource of creative inspiration, information and tutorial content for Adobe’s suite of creative products, so if you haven’t already, make sure you are subscribed.
  4. Share on Twitter or Instagram a sample of your best existing creative work (Design, Photography, Illustration, Video’s, etc) or a link to your portfolio AND tell us why you should be chosen, and be sure to use the hashtag #AdobeLillyCollab BY May 17th, 2019.

Lilly and Adobe will select the creatives we want to collaborate with by May 28, 2019

Need to know info: