Speed Content Management and Delivery Across Existing and Emerging Channels

Any viable busi­ness strat­e­gy today requires the abil­i­ty to rapid­ly deliv­er con­tent to not only tra­di­tion­al web chan­nels, but also emerg­ing chan­nels such as mobile apps, social media, in-venue screens, voice etc. How­ev­er, each chan­nel presents var­i­ous com­plex­i­ties in terms of sup­port for desk­top vs mobile, online vs offline, visu­als vs audio, and more. Join experts from Adobe and lead­ing brands for inspir­ing dis­cus­sions at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA about how your mar­ket­ing and IT organ­i­sa­tions can build and man­age expe­ri­ences for greater con­tent veloc­i­ty and cus­tomer engagement.

Con­tent veloc­i­ty is get­ting personal

They say con­tent is king, and today this is true more than ever. Not only does con­tent need to be adapt­ed across a range of chan­nels – web, mobile, IoT, voice, and in-venue screens, just to name a few – con­sumers expect brands to deliv­er a jour­ney that is per­son­alised to their needs and inter­ests. Con­tent needs to be rel­e­vant, mean­ing­ful and ver­sa­tile, and it needs to be fast. The Con­tent and Expe­ri­ence Man­age­ment Track at Sum­mit (CXM) fea­tures ses­sions that help you dis­cov­er how to improve effi­cien­cy and save time, while cre­at­ing rich and engag­ing cus­tomer experiences.

Intel­li­gent con­tent production

Achiev­ing con­tent veloc­i­ty requires brands to get smart with their con­tent man­age­ment. For exam­ple, par­tic­i­pants in the CXM track will learn from con­tent-savvy brands, such as Mer­ck, how to exe­cute con­tent pro­duc­tion and re-use at speed. Mer­ck will share how their cen­tralised Dig­i­tal Asset Man­age­ment plat­form, Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er (AEM) Assets, has helped them improve con­tent effi­cien­cy, with par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on how they are using the DAM to make their glob­al cam­paigns more effective.

Par­tic­i­pants will also learn how to re-use con­tent through Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er Sites fea­tures such as Sin­gle Page Appli­ca­tion (SPA) Edi­tor, Con­tent as a Ser­vice, and Expe­ri­ence Frag­ments to sup­port head­less use cases.

Data-pow­ered con­tent experiences

Fast con­tent pro­duc­tion is essen­tial in today’s con­tent envi­ron­ment, how­ev­er, learn­ing fast is even more impor­tant. Par­tic­i­pants will learn how data and insights are help­ing con­tent cre­ators work not only faster, but also smarter. For exam­ple, the head of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing at Amadeus will share how they built a scal­able dig­i­tal foun­da­tion on Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er, Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, and Adobe Tar­get to deliv­er opti­mised and per­son­alised con­tent based on rich data and insights.

In addi­tion, HSBC will share their expe­ri­ence trans­form­ing their own paper cus­tomer jour­ney to a dig­i­tal one. The high­ly-per­son­alised, bespoke cus­tomer enroll­ment jour­neys that HSBC offers are pow­ered by con­tent design and deliv­ery in AEM Forms, seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed with Adobe Sign to ful­ly digi­tise and mod­ernise the entire experience.

Turn­ing to the cloud

Par­tic­i­pants will fur­ther learn how a secure, scal­able cloud infra­struc­ture frame­work can help improve speed and avail­abil­i­ty of con­tent. Adobe experts will explain how cloud-native fea­tures avail­able through Expe­ri­ence Manager’s Cloud Man­ag­er accel­er­ate time-to-val­ue and low­er total-cost-of-own­er­ship through fea­tures such as Con­tin­u­ous Integration/Continuous deliv­ery, auto-scal­ing and secu­ri­ty-per­for­mance-qual­i­ty testing.

Would you like to find out more about con­tent veloc­i­ty and oth­er Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence Man­age­ment top­ics? Then check out the Adobe Sum­mit EMEA agen­da: https://www.adobeeventsonline.com/Summit/2019/EMEA/CXM/