Know Before You Go: Adobe Summit EMEA 2019

Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2019 is final­ly here, and we’re so excit­ed to wel­come you in Lon­don. We have an amaz­ing ros­ter of speak­ers lined up, all look­ing for­ward to inspir­ing you to become an excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence mak­er.

Guests includ­ing Amal Clooney, Eddie Red­mayne, and Paul Rob­son, Pres­i­dent, EMEA Adobe, will tell their trans­for­ma­tion sto­ries, to inspire atten­dees to become bril­liant expe­ri­ence mak­ers. Expe­ri­ence is the new com­pet­i­tive advan­tage, and here at the Dig­i­tal Expe­ri­ence Con­fer­ence, we’re reveal­ing exact­ly how brands can make expe­ri­ence their priority.

From the net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Com­mu­ni­ty Pavil­ion, to engag­ing ses­sions and labs, to an amaz­ing evening of food, drinks, and enter­tain­ment from Jess Glynne at the Sum­mit Cel­e­bra­tion, this year’s event is set to be our best yet!

Most of all, we want to make sure you make the most of your time with us at Sum­mit, so check out our top tips below!

Step One: Down­load the Mobile App

Our Adobe Sum­mit EMEA mobile app gives you sched­ul­ing access to Sum­mit ses­sions, labs, up-to-date con­fer­ence announce­ments, venue maps, social feeds, and more! Use it to stay on top of all of the lat­est Sum­mit info:

Step Two: Plan How to Get There

Reg­is­tra­tion opens at 7:00am on Wednes­day 15th and the open­ing keynote ses­sion starts at 9:00am, so you won’t want to be late! Avoid queues at the reg­is­tra­tion desk and coat check and snag great seats for the keynotes by mak­ing sure you know where to go. ExCeL has an infor­ma­tive trav­el guide to help you plan your journey:

Step Three: Wifi

In addi­tion to excit­ing con­tent on stage, there’s a huge amount of con­tent online. Don’t miss out: get on the free Wifi net­work as soon as you arrive. Please note, we will be pro­vid­ing sup­port for devices that are com­pat­i­ble with 5GHz net­works. Atten­dees con­nect­ing to the net­work using devices that are only com­pat­i­ble with 2.4GHz net­works may expe­ri­ence poor per­for­mance or con­nec­tiv­i­ty issues.

The fol­low­ing net­works will be broad­cast across the venue:

Once you con­nect to one of the above net­works your device will ask you to sign in to the Wifi net­work. We will only ask you to sign in once. Click con­tin­ue to accept the terms and conditions.

You are now connected!

Note: Should your device not ask you to sign in, please open a brows­er and nav­i­gate to

Please turn off your mobile hotspots as they degrade the net­work expe­ri­ence for con­fer­ence attendees.

Step Four: Sum­mit Blogs

You prob­a­bly know about the blogs already since you’re read­ing this post on one, but in case you land­ed here via some oth­er route, we encour­age you to delve deep­er into this year’s key themes by vis­it­ing Adobe’s Dig­i­tal Europe blog. Whether you need more infor­ma­tion on the ses­sions or want to read up about what it means to be an expe­ri­ence busi­ness, we have a blog post for you:

Step Five: Read will be at Sum­mit again this year, so please come see the team at the stand in the com­mu­ni­ty pavil­ion and keep an eye out for our Sum­mit blogs:

Step Six: Share the Livestream

Friends and col­leagues who didn’t get a tick­et to Sum­mit EMEA 2019 can watch the live cov­er­age of the keynote ses­sion streamed on the Sum­mit web­site on Day 1, Wednes­day 15th May.

Step Sev­en: Be Social at Summit

Our social team have a great pro­gramme planned, so why not be part of the buzz? Fol­low @AdobeSummit and @AdobeExpCloud and join the con­ver­sa­tion on the hash­tag: #Adobe­Sum­mit.

Enjoy Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2019!