Advertising in the Experience Era – How Adobe is Making Advertising a Connected Experience

It’s no secret that the adver­tis­ing world has been deeply affect­ed by dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion, and great adver­tis­ing is pow­ered by data just as much as it’s pow­ered by cre­ativ­i­ty. This means that adver­tis­ing can no longer func­tion inde­pen­dent­ly of a company’s mar­ket­ing func­tion – it needs to be deeply embed­ded with­in it.

At the upcom­ing Adobe Sum­mit EMEA, dur­ing the “Adver­tis­ing as a Con­nect­ed Expe­ri­ence” ses­sion, atten­dees will learn more about how lead­ing brands have used Adobe tech­nol­o­gy to har­ness the pow­er of data through­out the entire mar­ket­ing func­tion, enabling media buy­ing that’s auto­mat­ed, data-dri­ven and transparent.

Ad Tech and Martech converge

As adver­tis­ing has found its new home with­in the over­all mar­ket­ing func­tion, brands have begun a move­ment to syn­chro­nise the tech­nol­o­gy that sup­ports both functions.

At Sum­mit EMEA, atten­dees will hear from lead­ing brands who have already made this switch, such as British menswear label Main­line and Nor­we­gian telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions provider Telenor. Both brands have used the Adobe Expe­ri­ence plat­form to gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of their audi­ence. This has helped them tar­get their adver­tis­ing more pre­cise­ly, and bet­ter frame their mes­sag­ing, both of which has led to more con­ver­sions and bet­ter ROI on paid media spend.

Deriving better insight from data

The “Adver­tis­ing as a Con­nect­ed Expe­ri­ence” track will fur­ther explore how tech­nol­o­gy is help­ing brands improve the qual­i­ty of the insights that so often pow­er their adver­tis­ing. This includes trends that are com­pli­cat­ing the media buy­ing process, like the decline of cook­ies and the spread of pro­gram­mat­ic across TV and audio. Experts will dis­cuss how new track­ing tech­niques are help­ing brands build more holis­tic, less-chan­nel depen­dent, audi­ence pro­files, help­ing brands orches­trate omni-chan­nel cam­paigns intel­li­gent­ly and with precision.

Evolution of the agency eco-system

The grow­ing impor­tance of data in adver­tis­ing is also reshap­ing the rela­tion­ship between brands and cre­ative agen­cies. As more com­pa­nies seek to build up their own audi­ence data intel­li­gence, many brands are mov­ing media buy­ing in-house. How Adobe is work­ing with agency part­ners to re-shape the brand-agency rela­tion­ship will also be fur­ther explored dur­ing “Adver­tis­ing as a Con­nect­ed Expe­ri­ence” track.

Want to find out more about con­nect­ed adver­tis­ing? Check out this video.