Adobe delivers industry leading enhancements to Magento Commerce — opening up new opportunities for commerce customers

This week at both Adobe Sum­mit and across the pond at Magen­to Imag­ine 2019, we are excit­ed to be announc­ing a range of new fea­tures and inno­va­tions to Magen­to Com­merce designed to open up whole new mar­kets and oppor­tu­ni­ties for our cus­tomers to sell online. The ecom­merce mar­ket con­tin­ues to grow apace as more indi­vid­u­als get con­nect­ed and online shop­ping becomes the pre­ferred chan­nel. In 2018, the Euro­pean B2C ecom­merce mar­ket was pre­dict­ed to reach a whop­ping €602bn; the oppor­tu­ni­ty is sim­ply enor­mous, and growing.

How­ev­er, as cus­tomers increas­ing­ly demand bet­ter, faster, and more seam­less expe­ri­ences, many com­merce busi­ness­es are not quite mea­sur­ing up to expec­ta­tion. In fact we found that 45% of con­sumers in the UK, Ger­many and France say that they have aban­doned an online bas­ket because the pur­chase process was too time con­sum­ing or com­pli­cat­ed. This is why we are par­tic­u­lar­ly excit­ed about our announce­ments today – they have been designed to make sure that we are giv­ing our cus­tomers every oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach, com­pete for and con­vert customers.

One of the major new capa­bil­i­ties includes inte­gra­tion with Ama­zon Sales Chan­nel. In 2017, it was esti­mat­ed that a third of online spend in the UK alone went through Ama­zon, this new fea­ture will now allow retail­ers to seam­less­ly expand their offer­ing into the Ama­zon Mar­ket­place, reach­ing vast new audi­ences. We’re also announc­ing an inte­gra­tion with Google Shop­ping ads Chan­nel, the num­ber one dri­ver to retail sites, so that cus­tomers can more eas­i­ly man­age and com­pete for eye­balls on their adver­tis­ing campaigns.

It doesn’t stop there, we’re also open­ing up inte­gra­tions into some of the pow­er­ful tools avail­able in Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, includ­ing the enter­prise-grade capa­bil­i­ties of Adobe Ana­lyt­ics to bet­ter under­stand shop­ping behav­ior. Plus, we’re enhanc­ing the abil­i­ty to update site con­tent quick and eas­i­ly and giv­ing more options for retail­ers to get start­ed with cred­it and deb­it card trans­ac­tions. Com­bined, these new capa­bil­i­ties will dri­ve the abil­i­ty to cre­ate seam­less shop­pable expe­ri­ences for cus­tomers across chan­nels and platforms.

Tak­en all togeth­er, the updates to Magen­to Com­merce announced today accel­er­ate our vision and strat­e­gy to empow­er com­pa­nies of all sizes with the capa­bil­i­ties to make every brand inter­ac­tion per­son­al and every expe­ri­ence shop­pable. We know that the retail sec­tor con­tin­ues to go through huge dis­rup­tion, so we have focused on how we can help our cus­tomers dri­ve real rev­enue and prof­it across channels.

Of course, with Magen­to Com­merce now pow­er­ing Adobe Com­merce Cloud, these advanced com­merce capa­bil­i­ties are also avail­able with­in Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, serv­ing the needs of glob­al B2C and B2B com­pa­nies to sup­port mul­ti­ple brands, sites and coun­tries and to deliv­er seam­less com­merce experiences.

New capa­bil­i­ties in Magen­to Com­merce include:

For more infor­ma­tion on how we are empow­er­ing com­merce busi­ness­es of all sizes to make every expe­ri­ence shop­pable with Magen­to Com­merce and Adobe Com­merce Cloud, click here.