Introducing the 2019 EMEA Summit Insiders

We are thrilled to wel­come 25 dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing experts and pio­neers, exec­u­tives, major media cor­re­spon­dents, and con­tribut­ing jour­nal­ists to our cohort of 2019 EMEA Sum­mit Insid­ers! Our Sum­mit Insid­ers group is an exclu­sive cura­tion of the industry’s top minds, mak­ers, and lead­ers. We invite these Insid­ers to attend Adobe Sum­mit to give inside access and per­spec­tives dur­ing keynotes, sneaks, par­ties, and ses­sions. At the event, they’ll par­tic­i­pate in exclu­sive activ­i­ties includ­ing our first ever EMEA Insid­ers Sum­mit, VIP access to keynotes, Exec­u­tive Q&A meet­ings and fire­side chats, as well as oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet and net­work with each oth­er, cus­tomers, part­ners, press and more.

This group of Insid­ers is our biggest yet for EMEA, with a diverse group rang­ing from across the region. Get to know our group of Insid­ers below and fol­low along on their adven­tures! Don’t for­get to engage with #Adobe­Sum­mit on Twit­ter and LinkedIn and tune in to the Adobe Sum­mit Day 1 Keynote livestream here!

Expecting a datasource

Adi Gaskell

Ben Brück­n­er

Expecting a datasource

Clau­dia Kian

Expecting a datasource

Clau­dia Hilker

Expecting a datasource

Cyril Coste

Expecting a datasource

Dan Mum­ford

Elly Tana­ka

Fabi­an Schmidt

Gero Pflüger

Joanne Frear­son

Joe Allam

John D Barker

Kel­ly Hungerford

Ker­stin Kitzmann

Krish­na De

Linzie Hunter

Math­ieu Flaig

Olivi­er Saint‑Léger

Philip Bolog­ne­si

Robert Weller

Sven Ess­er

Tom Pais­ley

Tor­ben Lux

Will Nao­mi Paterson