Adobe and Software AG join forces to drive the future of Customer Experience Management

For today’s mar­keter, trac­ing a user’s com­plete cus­tomer jour­ney can be a bit like find­ing a nee­dle in a haystack. In a frag­ment­ed media land­scape, con­sumers typ­i­cal­ly jump across a num­ber of chan­nels – from social ads, to blogs, and even brows­ing in-store – before they convert.

Piec­ing togeth­er this jour­ney can be com­plex. Adobe’s 2019 Dig­i­tal Trends Report revealed that near­ly two-thirds of com­pa­nies strug­gle with frag­ment­ed mar­ket­ing and cus­tomer expe­ri­ence tech­nolo­gies. Yet, mod­ern con­sumers expect brands to com­mu­ni­cate with them in a per­son­alised, real-time man­ner. How­ev­er, these kinds of exchanges are built on audi­ence intel­li­gence – gran­u­lar, user-based intel­li­gence to be exact. As tricky as it may be, mar­keters must find a way of build­ing these types of pro­files if they ever hope to pro­vide their users with the expe­ri­ences they are demanding.

Find­ing the nee­dle in the haystack

Today, we announced that Adobe and Soft­ware AG have joined forces to cre­ate an inte­grat­ed solu­tion that sim­pli­fies the process for brands. With this, brands will be able to trans­form their Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence Man­age­ment (CXM) by mak­ing it eas­i­er to com­pile real-time, uni­fied, cus­tomer profiling.

The inte­gra­tion con­nects the com­bined capa­bil­i­ties of Adobe’s Expe­ri­ence Plat­form and Soft­ware AG’s web­Meth­ods Inte­gra­tion, and API man­age­ment ser­vices. By join­ing the two togeth­er, users will be able to access cus­tomer data from across a range of enter­prise sys­tems, via one cen­tralised and action­able real-time cus­tomer profile.

Get­ting to know your cus­tomers better

The Adobe Expe­ri­ence Plat­form already helps build a more com­plete under­stand­ing of the cus­tomer and their over­all buy­ing jour­ney. Adobe Sen­sei, an arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) engine, which analy­ses user behav­iour to make accu­rate pre­dic­tions and future-pro­jec­tions that can inform a brand’s mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties, enrich­es this process. This lat­est enhance­ment will equip mar­keters with even greater insight, tap­ping into Soft­ware AG’s capa­bil­i­ties to estab­lish enter­prise-wide con­nec­tiv­i­ty between CRMs and appli­ca­tions, as well as mul­ti­ple back­end systems.

The com­bined offer­ing lets brands move a customer’s key enter­prise data into Adobe Expe­ri­ence Plat­form via Soft­ware AG’s inte­gra­tion plat­form, result­ing in a more com­plete view of the cus­tomer jour­ney. This pro­vides mar­keters with a robust basis for per­son­al­is­ing their cus­tomer com­mu­ni­ca­tion, at scale. Lever­ag­ing Soft­ware AG’s strength in devel­op­ing inte­grat­ed SAP solu­tions, the part­ner­ship will also intro­duce a new data con­nec­tor between Mar­ke­to Engage and SAP solu­tions that will seam­less­ly sync account scor­ing behav­ior (e.g. vis­it­ed key web pages, opened email, attend­ed an event) and oth­er mar­ket­ing data with sales activ­i­ty and pipeline data.

A more con­nect­ed future for CXM

Con­sumers are demand­ing that brands speak to them as indi­vid­u­als, and the best brands gen­uine­ly want to get to know their users on this basis. This calls for a whole new approach to audi­ence pro­fil­ing – one that is built on user-cen­tric insight. Adobe is com­mit­ted to help­ing brands delight their audi­ences with com­pelling expe­ri­ences based on com­pre­hen­sive insight, and the part­ner­ship with Soft­ware AG is just the lat­est step towards a more informed CXM future. Learn more here, and dis­cov­er how our joint offer­ing with Soft­ware AG can help you gain more con­trol over your data.