Data And Creativity Mix Well In Kellogg’s Marketing Bowl
With more choice in the market than ever before, the power of storytelling to elicit an emotional response from your target audience is paramount. But brave, new ideas need to be backed up by the necessary research, according to Tamara Howe, marketing director of Australia & New Zealand for Kellogg.
With more choice in the market than ever before, the power of storytelling to elicit an emotional response from your target audience is paramount. But brave, new ideas need to be backed up by the necessary research, according to Tamara Howe, marketing director of Australia & New Zealand for Kellogg.
“Marketing should be … based on what works and how we can drive growth for the business,” she said in this episode of The CMO Show. “Data informs insight or contextual relevance, but then we need creativity to execute, and execute brilliantly with excellence.”
Case in point: Kellogg’s “Is Your Gut Fibre Fit?” marketing campaign, for which the brand commissioned Nutrition Research Australia and Deloitte Access Economics to investigate the impact of fibre on curing chronic diseases and reducing health expenditure. It found that if Australian adults consume sufficient levels of fibre in their daily diet, the economic savings could reach $3.3 billion.
“‘Is Your Gut Fibre Fit?’ taps into that insight and offers the easy solution of a bowl of [Special K] cereal in the morning to get our tummies in tune through an energetic, bright, and fun campaign,” Howe said.
Howe, who has been in her current role for four years but at the company for 16, said one of the biggest misconceptions about the FMCG industry is that it’s the “old world,” with no opportunities for growth.
“I reject that because what I love about FMCG is we’re very disciplined, and I think if you want to be a professional marketer and you love that, there’s no better place to learn the discipline,” she said.
Tune into this podcast, during which Howe and CMO Show host Mark Jones discuss the importance of striking the right balance between creativity and data, the role “bravery” plays in a marketer’s skill set, and how to stay relevant when times keep changing.