Imagine 2019: All Eyes On E-Commerce
Magento, an Adobe company, launched Imagine eight years ago with a plan to connect the global e-commerce community. And connect the community it did. This week, 3,000-plus e-commerce pros from all over the world are gathered in Las Vegas for Imagine 2019 to learn about the latest ideas, technologies, and strategies poised to transform the future of the industry. is on-site, too, bringing you back the high-level e-commerce insights to help you take your business to the next level. Read on for our coverage.
Magento, an Adobe company, launched Imagine eight years ago with a plan to connect the global e-commerce community. And connect the community it did. This week, 3,000-plus e-commerce pros from all over the world are gathered in Las Vegas for Imagine 2019 to learn about the latest ideas, technologies, and strategies poised to transform the future of the industry. is on-site, too, bringing you back the high-level e-commerce insights to help you take your storefront the next level. Read on for our coverage.