Mainline Menswear Drives 30% YoY Revenue Growth with Adobe Advertising Cloud

Fash­ion retail­ers are clam­or­ing to attract more online shop­pers, with design­er brands, High Street retail­ers, bou­tiques, and star­tups all going to mar­ket online. Ris­ing above the com­pe­ti­tion to reach con­sumers in such a crowd­ed mar­ket is a top priority—and paid search mar­ket­ing is cru­cial to mak­ing it happen.

Paid search can be a chal­lenge in retail, espe­cial­ly for small­er com­pa­nies. Intense com­pe­ti­tion inflates bids and makes it hard for new­er brands to get their ads in front of shop­pers. While estab­lished com­pa­nies can bank on name recog­ni­tion and sheer size of bud­get to dri­ve per­for­mance, small­er retail­ers need to be nim­ble and seize oppor­tu­ni­ties for growth.

That’s the key at Main­line Menswear, where the mar­ket­ing team uses Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud Search to work smarter and faster than com­peti­tors. The abil­i­ty to react quick­ly to the mar­ket keeps the com­pa­ny agile in an adver­tis­ing envi­ron­ment that gets more crowd­ed and expen­sive every year.

“Com­peti­tors are step­ping up in the dig­i­tal world, but we pride our­selves on being inno­v­a­tive,” says Jonathan Patrick, Main­line Menswear’s Head of Mar­ket­ing. “Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud helps us stay one step ahead, help­ing to achieve 30% growth last year.”

Break­through growth from Black Fri­day to Christmas

The hol­i­day sea­son is cru­cial for retail­ers, and Main­line Menswear knew the real test of its paid search strat­e­gy would start on Black Fri­day. It’s a time when many pow­er­house brands blan­ket the mar­ket with ads and use deep dis­counts to attract consumers.

The mar­ket­ing team at Main­line Menswear took a dif­fer­ent approach this past hol­i­day sea­son, rely­ing on Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud Search to opti­mise bids auto­mat­i­cal­ly across hun­dreds of cam­paigns, all cal­i­brat­ed to order and rev­enue goals.

The strat­e­gy worked, as the 2018 results show:

Patrick explains the approach, say­ing, “Where we saw gaps in the mar­ket, we pushed cer­tain brands. Where mar­kets were sat­u­rat­ed, we held back and invest­ed our bud­get else­where. Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud enables us to adapt quick­ly, so we achieve a low­er cost of sale.”

Great cus­tomer expe­ri­ences start with paid search

Main­line Menswear is con­fi­dent that once it attracts first-time cus­tomers, they’re like­ly to come back again and again. That’s because the retail­er is hyper-focused on deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al cus­tomer expe­ri­ences, with amaz­ing cus­tomer ser­vice, loy­al­ty rewards and spe­cial offers, and a unique, free next-day deliv­ery promise. It’s one big rea­son Main­line Menswear earned a 99% eKo­mi rating.

As it con­tin­ues to refine its paid search strat­e­gy, Main­line Menswear sees search ads as the first touch­point in a larg­er cus­tomer experience—one that can win over much larg­er com­peti­tors and dri­ve inter­na­tion­al growth.

Main­line Menswear uses Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud to take a nim­ble approach to paid search mar­ket­ing and win cus­tomers in a high­ly com­pet­i­tive industry.

Read Main­line Menswear’s sto­ry here.