Why Marketers Should Care About the European Heatwave

We are in the mid­dle of some of the most extreme weath­er Europe has ever seen. While many peo­ple are con­cerned about the unprece­dent­ed hot spell work­ing its way across the con­ti­nent, some are just enjoy­ing the heat! For mar­keters how­ev­er, the warm weath­er presents an entire­ly dif­fer­ent type of oppor­tu­ni­ty: the chance to con­nect with their audi­ences in a high­ly rel­e­vant way, through per­son­alised engage­ment at an indi­vid­ual lev­el. This is now pos­si­ble with Trig­gered Journeys.

What are Trig­gered Journeys?

Brands today under­stand that deliv­er­ing a best-in-class cus­tomer expe­ri­ence and a high­ly per­son­alised cus­tomer jour­ney is indis­pens­able. Achiev­ing this is crit­i­cal to Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence Man­age­ment (CXM), with research show­ing that organ­i­sa­tions that are “very advanced” in CX are more than 3.5x more like­ly to have exceed­ed their top busi­ness goal than their peers.

Break­through inno­va­tions in Adobe Cam­paign, built lever­ag­ing Adobe Expe­ri­ence Plat­form, Trig­gered Jour­neys is designed to deliv­er con­sumers with more rel­e­vant and per­son­alised com­mu­ni­ca­tion in an indi­vid­ual jour­ney com­posed of a series of touch­points fol­low­ing a par­tic­u­lar action or event. Mar­keters can now set up mes­sag­ing that’s ini­ti­at­ed when these actions take place – a customer’s change in loy­al­ty sta­tus, engage­ment with cus­tomer sup­port, and weath­er or loca­tion changes. With the rich pool of cen­tralised data stored in Expe­ri­ence Plat­form – such as demo­graph­ics, trans­ac­tions and online and phys­i­cal behav­iors – mar­keters using Adobe Cam­paign can now gran­u­lar­ly tai­lor the mes­sage for each recip­i­ent as insights accumulate.

A hotel for exam­ple can cre­ate a geofence around its city that trig­gers cus­tomised engage­ment when a guest cross­es that geofence upon land­ing at the air­port. Depend­ing on when the geofence is crossed and the avail­abil­i­ty of clean rooms, Trig­gered Jour­neys recog­nise she has arrived before her room is ready. The jour­ney that’s orches­trat­ed invites the guest to store her lug­gage at the front desk, offers rec­om­men­da­tions and details for activ­i­ties to pass the time until check-in based on the weath­er fore­cast and her pref­er­ences – all via push noti­fi­ca­tions. Arriv­ing at the hotel can trig­ger anoth­er real-time inter­ac­tion, send­ing her a map of the prop­er­ty, includ­ing the loca­tions of the ear­li­er rec­om­mend­ed activ­i­ties on-site.

Tak­ing advan­tage of the warm weather

In the case of weath­er data-Trig­gered Jour­neys, brands can tap into par­tic­u­lar weath­er con­di­tions to con­nect with spe­cif­ic needs that arise in con­sumers. When the weath­er heats up, people’s inter­ests and pref­er­ences change – they are obvi­ous­ly more excit­ed about out­door activ­i­ties, like BBQing or trips to the beach; but they might also be inter­est­ed in pro­tect­ing their skin from the sun, or just keep­ing cool in the heat.

With Trig­gered Jour­neys, retail brands, for exam­ple, can lever­age weath­er data to deter­mine prod­uct offers that are espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant in hot weath­er – bar­be­cue para­pher­na­lia, refresh­ing drinks, sun­screen, cool­ing or anti-aller­gy reme­dies – and cue up trig­gered cam­paigns pro­mot­ing these prod­ucts to quick­ly cap­i­talise on warmer weath­er conditions.

How­ev­er, you don’t need sum­mer-spe­cif­ic prod­ucts to ben­e­fit from weath­er-trig­gered mar­ket­ing. Mere­ly con­sid­er­ing how inter­est to your prod­uct or ser­vice might change in dif­fer­ent types of weath­er con­di­tions is enough to tap into the high­er rel­e­van­cy that the real-time approach offers. Trav­el brands are often great at this. For exam­ple, a com­pa­ny offer­ing pack­aged hol­i­days might cue up a cam­paign for a beach get­away to be released once the weath­er exceeds 30 degrees, promis­ing their audi­ence a reprieve from the sticky city heat. But this could also work in win­ter, with adver­tis­ing offer­ing the chance to escape from the cold.

When data is com­bined with audi­ence intelligence

Trig­gered jour­neys help mar­keters tap into events as they change. How­ev­er, ana­lyt­ics comes in to help mar­keters lever­age the things that stay the same, like a user’s inter­ests, buy­ing habits and brows­ing his­to­ry. Real-time, third par­ty data pro­vides insight into what’s going on in the out­side world, but this will only take mar­keters so far. Brands also need the abil­i­ty to pow­er­ful­ly seg­ment their audi­ence to under­stand who will be inter­est­ed in their event-spe­cif­ic mes­sag­ing. This will help them tar­get their cam­paigns with greater impact.

For exam­ple, a ride-shar­ing ser­vice might wish to specif­i­cal­ly tar­get com­muters with a real-time push mes­sage dur­ing a tube strike. The abil­i­ty to do so doesn’t just rely on aware­ness of pub­lic trans­port dis­rup­tions. It also requires a detailed under­stand­ing of a tar­get audi­ence and their trav­el habits. Mar­keters can use cus­tomer intel­li­gence and data ana­lyt­ics to pin­point who would be most like­ly to opt for a ride-shar­ing ser­vice, and tar­get their adver­tis­ing towards these peo­ple for greater effectiveness.

Weath­er and event-trig­gered jour­neys are part of a big­ger trend in mar­ket­ing to take advan­tage of the micro-moments that are dri­ving cus­tomers’ deci­sions and behav­ior. This involves con­nect­ing your mar­ket­ing tech­nol­o­gy stack with third par­ty sys­tems and data sources, through incom­ing, real-time events. With the mul­ti­tude of data that is cen­tral­ly stored in Adobe Expe­ri­ence Plat­form, mar­keters using Adobe Cam­paign can take advan­tage of what they know about the cus­tomer, but also what their indi­vid­ual con­text is. And each indi­vid­ual inter­ac­tion is informed by and con­nect­ed with every oth­er expe­ri­ence before it. All that to tai­lor each mes­sage and jour­ney down to a one-to-one level.

Trig­gered Jour­neys in Adobe Cam­paign is avail­able now. Learn more here about how Trig­gered Jour­neys and Adobe Cam­paign can help you turn every inter­ac­tion with your cus­tomers into an unfor­get­table experience.