[Adobe & Partner] SQUIDDS FINALYSER for Adobe FrameMaker

SQUIDDS offers for a limited time special bundles for a heavily reduced price for new or existing FrameMaker (2017 release) and FrameMaker (2019 release) customers.

In this post:


The brand-new SQUIDDS FINALYSER 2019 works with Adobe FrameMaker 2017 and 2019. For Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release) FINALYSER is also available for the 64-bit version. The 64-bit version offers a significant increase in performance. Large amounts of data and graphics in FrameMaker books can be quickly and safely managed, displayed, or edited with the book transfer.

Go high-speed with FrameMaker (2019 release) and FINALYSER 2019

SQUIDDS FINALYSER 2019 offers dramatic speed improvements in combination with FrameMaker (2019 release). The 32-bit versions of FrameMaker (2019 release) and FINALYSER 2019 are much faster than the 2017 versions. And with the 64-bit versions of FrameMaker (2019 release) and FINALYSER 2019 you can save up even more time.

The following image shows how much faster you will be able to work with FINALYSER in the 2019 version compared to the 2017 version:

Performance Compare Adobe FrameMaker/SQUIDDS FINALISER 2017 release vs 2019 re

The following screenshots show all functions of FINALYSER for books and documents. Most of these functions automate a lot of manual work with FrameMaker.

One of the most popular functions of FINALYSER is Booktransfer. Others deliver information about books and documents you only get with FINALYSER, e.g., the advanced Statistics module.

Savings potential with FINALYSER increases with every function you use. FINALYSER can be purchased as a full version or as a single module.

FINALYSER functions for books

Screenshot of SQUIDDS FINALYSER for Adobe FrameMaker – Book Functions

FINALYSER functions for documents

Screenshot of SQUIDDS FINALYSER for Adobe FrameMaker – Document Functions

FINALYSER Book Transfer

The Adobe FrameMaker Book is the best tool to manage a wide range of FrameMaker documents, including all referenced graphics and inserts in a complex hierarchy. Thanks to references all those files can easily be stored on any location on the computer or in the network to share it with others.FINALYSER Translation Edition

However, how to copy such a complex FrameMaker book to send it to the translator completely? You can use FINALYSER Book Transfer to transfer books or documents, including all the referenced files they contain, to a new directory structure – even across platforms. The original version of the book or document is retained and remains unchanged.

Two different procedures are available for the transfer:

With FINALYSER Booktransfer you keep control over all of the files the book is connected with and transfer them completely to another path.


Better control of all format definitions is possible with some new functions included in FINALYSER.

Screenshot of SQUIDDS FINALYSER for Adobe FrameMaker – Formats menu

Did you keep track of all format definitions, which are used, defined or imported in your document?

You can use FINALYSER Formats to delete all currently unused styles or all styles in a Style Catalog. Alternatively, you can insert all the new paragraph styles/character styles in the active document’s catalog. You can use FINALYSER Formats on individual documents or books.

With FINALYSER Formats you get a new tool to administer catalogues with format definitions.

User Variable


FINALYSER includes three more functions to deal with graphics:

With FINALYSER Graphic Tools you get more power to change the reference or the size of a single graphic or of all graphics in the document or in a book.


Export2SVG was developed with the beginning support of SVG for HTML5. SVG is an XML-based file format. Therefore, all content of SVG files is easily accessible for computer-aided translation and further processing.

The new FINALYSER uses these advantages with Export2SVG. FINALYSER Export2SVG converts Adobe Illustrator and EPS graphics to SVG with Adobe Illustrator. After this step, FINALYSER Export2SVG replaces the graphic in your FrameMaker document. FINALYSER Export2SVG offers the quickest possible and comfortable way to replace legacy graphics in your documentation with modern SVG graphics.

A highlight of SVG is the possibility to work with layers for different languages. With further automatization, the different languages can be displayed by changing the document language by the user.

More information about FINALYSER Export2SVG can be found here

FINALYSER Translation Edition

Translation edition is a special FINALYSER package for FrameMaker users, who are actively involved in the business of translation with translation memory systems. Those translation memory systems do not work with the binary FrameMaker source files but with FrameMaker’s interchange format MIF.

FINALYSER module “Booktransfer FM <-> MIF” can create those MIF files for all chapters in an entire book. Other modules like “Statistics,” “Definition Editor” or “Special Characters” are enabling various evaluations, editing definitions in marker types with non-Latin fonts or integrating special characters from different palettes into the document.

Thus, Translation Edition is a perfect tool for handling FrameMaker files and books that need to go into translation. FrameMaker (2019 release) + Finalyser Translation Edition saves much time and increases efficiency for both companies as well as Language Service Providers.

FINALYSER ExtendScripts

After offering Scripting for FrameMaker free of charge, SQUIDDS was able to collect some useful ExtendScripts. They can be invoked with the FINALYSER ExtendScripts Menu.

Screenshot of SQUIDDS FINALYSER for Adobe FrameMaker – ExtendScripts menu

FINALYSER Documentation

SQUIDDS FINALYSER for Adobe FrameMaker – Online Help – Start page

Additionally, we created an entirely revised new documentation for FINALYSER 2019, which has been set up under the rules of Smart Information. The following was considered: “What does smart information look like today? How is smart information created technically and editorially?”

Adobe Partner Promotion Bundle

Adobe and SQUIDDS have partnered to offer an exclusive bundle offer: If you buy an upgrade to or a full version of FrameMaker (2019 release) or an upgrade to or a full version of Adobe Technical Communication Suite (2019 release), you can buy the SQUIDDS FINALYSER Full version 2019 for 666 € (+ VAT) instead of 999 € (+ VAT). That’s a 300 € discount on the FINALYSER 2019 Full version.

The offer is limited until November 30, 2019, and only available through SQUIDDS.

If you buy through SQUIDDS …
List price*
Promotion price*
Upgrade from Adobe Technical Communication Suite (2017 release) to 2019 release
999 €
666 €
300 €
Upgrade fom FrameMaker (2017 release) to FrameMaker (2019 release)
999 €
666 €
300 €
Full Version Adobe Technical Communication Suite (2017 release)
999 €
666 €
300 €
Full Version Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release)
999 €
666 €
300 €
* excl. VAT

Order now to take advantage of this time-limited offer

You can order the special bundle packages directly from SQUIDDS. You can find the English order form here, and a German order form here. The bundle packages are available exclusively through SQUIDDS.

SQUIDDS® | People.Products.Passion. e.K.


SQUIDDS® | People.Products.Passion. e.K., headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany, is a partner and value-added reseller of Adobe and offers innovative technical communication solutions for Small and Medium Businesses, as well as Enterprises. Specialized in Adobe FrameMaker, Structured Content, DITA, Responsive HTML5, 3D, Video, and PDF Forms, SQUIDDS can help you to optimize your workflows, automate processes, and create next-generation TechComm content.

Please feel free to contact Georg Eck from SQUIDDS with any questions regarding their solutions. You can also connect with Georg on LinkedIn and XING. Also, make sure to follow @squidds on Twitter.

SQUIDDS® | People.Products.Passion. e.K., Donaustrasse 36, 90451 Nürnberg, Germany

Tel.: +49 (911) 215347-0