Music to the Ear: Adobe Analytics Releases Digital Audio Capabilities

In a world where mobile-first is the new norm, digital audio is becoming an increasingly important vehicle to reach customers. While podcasts represent a relatively recent form of entertainment, it’s an arena that is on the rise: according to new Adobe data, since January 2018, there’s been a 60% increase in podcast mobile app users. With audio entertainment usage exploding, it’s now up to brands to figure out how to connect with customers authentically on this new medium.

From the content creators to advertisers and marketers, audio comes with a multitude of challenges: high churn, increasing competition with a fast-moving market, multiple touchpoints and no way to accurately measure engagement in real-time both online and offline. As the content is meant to be listened to in a dynamic way, from a flight across the country, to a doctor’s waiting room to a morning commute, getting real-time insight is often a roadblock to success.

Media organizations have in many ways been acting in a silo when it comes to understanding how their audio is being consumed. With the rapid growth in audio streaming, the infrastructure in many ways has simply been behind. If a brand simply can’t understand how a consumer is listening to their content, how can they possibly be expected to deliver experiences people care about?

Adobe today is making available new streaming audio capabilities within Adobe Analytics to give brands access to deep insights into both online and offline audio. As Adobe Experience Cloud is already a trusted partner to some of the most successful media and entertainment brands, including Pandora, Spotify, Time Warner and Viacom, Adobe will now empower brands to make the most informed decisions, regardless of content, to deliver the best customer experience in real-time.

Live today, Adobe Analytics gives brands the most granular level of insights for podcasts, streaming audio and digital books. Consumers today migrate seamlessly between their myriad of devices, and it’s a brand’s role to follow their complex path to avoid a deep divide. Now, brands can get a deeper insight into an audio experience, regardless if the content was downloaded or streamed live.Take a podcast for example: if a consumer downloads the podcast to listen to while on a flight, data around when the listener finished it, if an ad was skipped, how errors such as buffering impacted the experience will now be available for brands in real-time.

With a seemingly endless number of choices for content, it’s easy for a listener to change their mind, especially if an experience is subpar. Leveraging Adobe Sensei, brands have access to advanced AI and machine learning framework that helps to better leverage audio data and evaluate trends in historical data to pinpoint peaks and dips in delivery. For example, a brand can get a more timely notification that an anomaly has occurred, such as excessive buffering. Additionally, Attribution IQ helps brands capture the impact the content has in driving events such as a purchase of conversion.

With an incredibly competitive audio entertainment market, it’s a fight for a consumer’s time. Adobe Analytics will ultimately help brands create the content that is most appealing and adjust their advertising and marketing strategy as necessary.