Why Do People Leave Websites and Apps? Decibel’s Platform Gives You the Answer

Image source: Adobe Stock.

As Adobe Experience Cloud users, we’ve all been there: deep in Adobe Analytics trying to work out why customers behave the way they do. Quantitative data and conversion funnels grant context, but key questions sometimes remain. How do website and app users feel? Where do they get frustrated? Why do they leave?

Decibel’s platform is built specifically to provide this crucial missing data about customer experiences. By integrating it into Experience Cloud, Decibel augments Adobe’s contextual “what” with the detailed “why” of user behavior.

Leading companies like TUI, Lego, and General Motors leverage this integration to significantly deepen their understanding of — and thus deliver better experiences to — their customers.

“Adobe is tracking the “what”, and a lot of times, that isn’t enough. Customers want to know the why. Decibel is able to look at it and understand exactly why things are happening. So, customers can now figure out the combination of the what, plus the why.” Amit Ahuja, VP of New Business Development and Partnerships, Adobe

Measuring the quality of customer experiences at scale

Experience is subjective, personal, and qualitative in nature. This makes it difficult to quantify — especially across your digital offering, where visibility into how customers behave and feel is obscured by a transaction that takes place remotely on a personal device.

But if you have no real visibility into the nature or quality of customer experience on your websites and apps, you have limited hope of making it any better.

Decibel’s answer to this is the Digital Experience Score (DXS), the world’s first-ever universal measure of digital customer experience.

Powered by machine learning, Decibel’s proprietary algorithms process hundreds of smart new digital interaction metrics, purpose-built to measure experience. These include the angle and speed of mouse movements, velocity of clicks or taps, device rotations, hovers, and hesitation time, as well as technical and navigational aspects of the user journey.

Based on this “digital body language,” an experience score is calculated for each visit to your websites and apps, which then rolls up from the session view to audience segments, as well as to pages and a global score for the entire website or app.

With the Digital Experience Score, you no longer need to sift through dozens of reports, maintain custom KPIs, or rely on NPS to track the quality of experience on your digital properties. Instead, you have a go-to, universal metric that’s proven to predict conversion and takes the guesswork out of managing digital experiences.

How Decibel augments all aspects of Adobe Experience Cloud

The intelligence that fuels Decibel’s Digital Experience Score seamlessly integrates with four key Adobe products: Analytics, Launch, Adobe Target, and Audience Manager. Across the board, Decibel’s integration makes it easy for you to create intricate experience-based rules without the need for developer support.

Pairing Decibel with Adobe Analytics, for instance, unlocks the ability for teams to quantify the revenue uplift that comes with improving digital experiences. Adobe Analytics segments can be pushed to Decibel’s platform to harness its smart forensic tools, including session replays, page discovery reports, path analysis, heatmaps, form analytics — as well as further segmenting them using Decibel’s unique behavioral and experiential data. What’s more, session replays can be viewed directly from within Adobe Analytics.

Decibel’s integration with Adobe Launch, meanwhile, equips teams with the ability to create workflows based on the Digital Experience Score, triggering personalized messaging and insights. For example, when Decibel detects a user having a poor experience, Decibel’s integration with Adobe Launch can be configured to send personalized offers, intervening in poor experiences as they happen.

Finally, any segments created with Decibel’s experience criteria can be pushed via Adobe Audience Manager to Adobe Campaign and Adobe Advertising Cloud. This informs remarketing through Campaign or off-site retargeting through Ad Cloud.

“Today’s marketers are striving to optimize the customer experience more than ever,” says Cody Crnkovich, Head of Platform Partners and Strategy, Adobe. “The combined Decibel and Adobe solution can help companies drive a more impactful multichannel experience, as well as provide an enriched view of visitor experiences and a deeper understanding of the behavioral cause-and-effect behind them.”

To discover more about Decibel’s integration with Adobe, and to see how it can provide your team with the crucial missing ‘why’ of user behavior, find out more information on Decibel’s website.