Photoshop’s Daily Halloween Challenge: #HocusPhocus

Each year, spooky, October energy fuels creators all over the world. Inspired by Halloween, Día de los Muertos, All Souls’ Day and other international celebrations of spirits, the community comes together to build an enchanting, supernatural land through art. So, no matter where you live, it’s time to harness that ghostly magic and share your creativity through #HocusPhocus.

When ghoulie, ghostly magic fills the air, it’s time to reveal that creative flare.

The challenge

In the week leading up to Halloween, we’re hosting #HocusPhocus, a daily creative challenge for Photoshop artists. To spark your creativity, we’ll share a new Halloween-inspired prompt every day! Then, artists around the globe will share their daily pieces on social media with the tag #HocusPhocus.

“When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, Photoshop artists whisper, ‘tis near Halloween.”

Your task

If you’re up for the creative challenge, push yourself to design a new image in Photoshop every single day based on each prompt. The prompts are up to your interpretation, so get experimental!

Remember, the goal is practice, not perfection – it’s all about exercising your creative muscle. Your work doesn’t need to be perfect (other people’s work won’t be), so get out there and start creating.

No matter how they turn out, spread the magic and share each of your pieces on social media with the tag #HocusPhocus so we can create a supernatural world together.


Wed, Oct 23. Pumpkin 🎃

Thurs, Oct 24. Magic

Fri, Oct 25. Skeleton 💀

Mon, Oct 28. Candy 🍭

Tues, Oct 29. Witch 🧙

Wed, Oct 30. Haunted House 🏚

Thurs, Oct 31. Ghost 👻

Inspirational images were created by

Pumpkin: Stéphanie Paquot
Magic: Jerry Quartz
Skeleton: Luke Renoe
Candy: Frank Yang
Witch: Katrina Yu
Haunted House: Jonathan Oesch
Ghost: Jameasons