How to Attract Customers: Designing Your Preview Media

Image created using: Liquid Glitter Title.

When a customer is scrolling through the Essential Graphics panel or the Adobe Stock site looking for the perfect MoGRT for their project, they see just one thing: your thumbnail. If that thumbnail is eye catching enough for them to click on, they’ll _then _see your preview video. These two pieces of your MoGRT are the deciding factors in whether or not someone will buy your template. Knowing this, here are some key design choices to keep in mind when designing your preview media:

Use videos and images that are relevant to your MoGRT

If you are using images and videos in your MoGRT that you have either created or licensed from a stock website, be sure that all content is relevant to your MoGRT. For example, if you are designing a Christmas overlay, the images in your thumbnail/preview video should relate to Christmas. If you are designing a futuristic MoGRT, the images that you include should have a futuristic vibe. When you include example images or videos that have nothing to do with the design of the MoGRT, it may not appeal to the user.

In this example, Linear Drift shows off the sci-fi, spy-themed nature of his MoGRT by overlaying it on video clips suitable for the genre:

GIF created using: Tri Panels Transition.

Don’t distract from your design

Be careful to choose images and videos that do not distract the customer from your MoGRT design. For example, if your MoGRT is very decorative and colorful, you do not want an equally decorative video distracting from the key selling point.

Here, SvYufers does a great job of showcasing her colorful transitions with simple, beautiful shots of nature:

GIF created using: Colorful Transitions.

Choose your colors wisely

Color is one of the first things to consider in any form of design. Opt for default colors that will draw the customer’s eye, like complementary colors, black and white, or black with a pop of color (like red or yellow).

Choose your font wisely

The default font that you choose is more often than not what the customer will want to use in their project. Be sure that you select a font that is not only suitable to the theme of your template, but also clearly readable when scaled down to smaller sizes. Think about how the font will read in the thumbnail in the Essential Graphics Panel, or overlaid in a video on someone’s phone.

Some of our most successful MoGRTS use modern, easy-to-read, Sans Serif or Decorative fonts from the Adobe Fonts collection.

The first two “scenes” in your preview video are everything

Customers want to see the main, default setting of your MoGRT, and then something dynamic that they could change it to, whether this be a new style option or a new color combination. Make sure that within the first two scenes of your preview video that you are showing the default of your template as well as one of the most impressive variations that the template can achieve.

In this example, uniquefx does a great job of starting off his preview video with the default style, and then immediately following up with a bold design option:

GIF created using: Split Box Titles

Keep it short

Try to keep your preview video under 30 seconds while still showcasing a variety of styles that your MoGRT can achieve. Today, people consume media faster than ever before and want to see what they are looking for as quickly as possible. Don’t focus on one example for too long–if you do, customers might leave the video without seeing everything it has to offer.

Here, Wavebreak Media does an excellent job of showing the basics of their MoGRT as well as its extended capabilities while keeping the video short and to the point:

GIF created using: Black White Bold Title