Useful New Features in After Effects 2020
New features in After Effects 2020 for motion graphics templates.
Adobe Stock / Wavebreak Media.
Adobe After Effects 2020 (version 17.0) has been released, and for Motion Graphics Templates there are some exciting new features we want to highlight:
- The drop-down menu makes it easy to adjust multiple settings at once and create a great user experience for editors in Premiere Pro. This feature is not a requirement for Adobe Stock artists, but it will greatly improve the usability of your template. Learn how to create these on the Create Drop-Downs HelpX page and watch School of Motion’s tutorial about drop-downs.
- Editing text properties with expressions means that the source text can once again have expressions on it AND be compatible with font properties in the Essential Graphics Panel by setting up a style. With this, artists can limit the number of source texts in the Essential Graphics Panel, creating a clean and easy-to-use template. Learn the new expressions on the Expressions Text Properties HelpX page and watch School of Motion’s overview about styling for more guidance.
If working with a project file built in a prior version, be sure to change the Expressions engine from ExtendScript to JavaScript in the Project Settings -> Expressions menu to access these features. For more helpful expressions, read our Stock MoGRTS Expressions Guide.
Go to our After Effects HelpX page to read about all the new features.