Adobe Japan named a Best Workplace for Fourth Year in a Row
For the fourth year in a row, the Great Place to Work Institute has awarded Adobe Japan a Best Workplace! This year, we came in at no. 40 in the medium-sized business category, with GPTW highlighting our achievements in global gender pay parity, opportunity parity, and enhanced leave benefits.
“At Adobe Japan, we’re focused on fostering an inclusive, high-performance and creative culture, driven by our employees’ and customers’ success. As we continue on this journey, I am confident Adobe Team Japan and the communities we create both inside, and outside, the company, will be the recipients of many more accolades and awards” said Jim McCready, President of Adobe Japan.
Hear from some of our employees in Japan and find out what makes their experience great:
Meet Takayoshi Sotani
Meet Kaori Tachibana
Great Place to Work is an organization that conducts employee awareness surveys in over 60 countries around the world and publishes the “Best Places to Work” ranking every year based on anonymous survey results that focus on how employers inspire, communicate, listen, thank, develop, value, welcome, celebrate, and share with employees. A committee consisting of GPTW Japan and external experts carefully scores and determines the ranking.
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