Protect Your Most Sensitive Digital Assets While Working from Home

Man working on laptop computer

Image source: Adobe Stock / Olllinka2

COVID-19 transitioned millions of government workers from perimeter-style defenses with multiple network zones, firewalls, and encryption to working from home overnight, essentially adopting a Zero Trust posture. Securing sensitive information to ensure business continuity is critical. Here’s a quick start.

Looking for a way to quickly, easily, and securely share sensitive information or high value assets (HVA) with remote workers? Not only across work devices, but in personally owned computers, phones, and tablets with or without CAC/PIV readers too?

If so, your organization could benefit from a commercially and government proven cloud managed content security service (used across more than 30 government organizations and 200,000 documents monthly) — and one that persistently protects information independent of storage and transport at scale.

See how you can make an Adobe PDF (or Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files) secure — whether the files are at rest or in transport in cloud environments like Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, or on-premise.

This is a preview of the overall Adobe Digital Rights Management capabilities you can use.

In addition to supporting fully on-premise server deployments, Adobe’s Content Security Solution (Digital Rights Management (DRM)) is authorized at FedRAMP Moderate and DoD SRG IL4, supporting CAC/PIV/PKI/SAML authentication, FIPS-140 Suite B encryption,, username and password, and a variety of file formats/applications out of the box.

Protect Your Adobe PDF — and save it like any other protected file

Encrypt your PDF document to limit capabilities to a select individual or group of people. In a few clicks, you can manage editing rights, copy/paste or print capabilities, etc. If you’d like, a dynamic watermark can be added with a date and timestamp — so your document updates automatically each time it’s updated or opened.

Open an Encrypted Adobe PDF — like any other protected file

After a document is encrypted, all it takes is a log-in from the user to open safely. If access isn’t granted through the secure log-in, the document won’t open. If there’s limited access, then there will be restrictions. All of this can easily be managed by the owner of the document at any time.

Independent of access restrictions, protected content and documents have version control. After a document or content is shared with other individuals or organizations, it can be revoked – no matter how many copies were made, distributed, and remotely stored.

Adobe’s commitment

COVID-19 is changing everything about life and work as we know it, and Adobe is committed to assisting customers with the COVID-19 National Emergency by helping to enable secure #workfromhome business continuity for the workforce and making those solutions easily deployable.

We’re helping organizations, especially those in the public sector, enable secure working from home business continuity for the workforce by using the breadth of available technology capabilities to fill service gaps and deliver mission outcomes.

Learn more about Digital Rights Management protection for your agency.