Build for Good: Adobe Document Cloud and Topcoder Host Developer Challenge Powered by Adobe PDF SDKs

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This week, in partnership with Topcoder, an open-talent platform with over 1.5 million developers and designers worldwide, we are kicking off a series of challenges with the goal of developing digital solutions to help government agencies as well as students and educators stay resilient during the pandemic and for the future. These solutions will be powered by Adobe Document Services, our set of cloud APIs and SDKs to build seamless, consistent PDF experiences. Weekly prizes will include $10,000 in cash and Topcoder swag!

The COVID Challenge Series features three developer challenges spread over eight weeks that focus on learning about Adobe Document Services, and then solving challenges for public service agencies and education. Here’s a little bit more about each:

  • Challenge #1 – Learning about Adobe PDF SDKs: During this first challenge, developers will have an opportunity to educate themselves with the SDKs to create a PDF document, embed them in a view and track PDF usage analytics.
  • Challenge #2 – Content Efficacy in Public Service Comms: This next challenge includes creating a simple web application where PDFs are rendered in a customizable, embedded web viewer. The analytics on usage can inform the agencies about areas of public interest.
  • Challenge #3 – Collaborative Learning in Schools: The last challenge starts with creating a simple web application where teachers and students can collaborate on study material using annotations and comments. The study material can then be transformed into a reference document and tests guide to help students learn, despite situational differences.

Developers who participate in the COVID Challenge Series will be using the Adobe Document Cloud View SDK and Services SDK to build their digital solutions. We’ve applied over two decades of leadership and experience in digital documents, starting with the invention of PDF to today with the world’s best PDF tools like Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, and Adobe Scan. With the SDKs, we’re aiming to push forward what developers can do with PDFs. Here’s more about the View SDK and Services SDK:

  • The View SDK gives developers complete control of the user experience, with a series of customizable viewing modes. Check out our interactive demo to see the different viewing options in action.
  • The Services SDK offers an ever-growing number of PDF manipulation capabilities like combining pages and converting PDF to Microsoft Office formats.

To enter the COVID Challenge Hackathon, check out this link for more information. For a deeper dive about Adobe Document Services, visit here. We look forward to seeing what you come up with to help governments and schools thrive during and once we get past these unprecedented times.