We care about how our employees feel—from good health and eating well to being happy and resilient. Wellbeing is about how you feel physically and emotionally, which helps employees bring their best self to any situation. Our programs offer resources that encourage healthy lifestyle choices and make it easier for employees to maintain them—whether it’s increased fitness, being mindful or making healthy food choices.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, our top priority is employees’ health and wellbeing. To support our employees, we introduced benefits to assist in the transition of working from home to enable productivity, nurture overall wellbeing and support those who need flexible work options and the ability to relax and recharge during this period of remote work. Some benefits include:
- Wellbeing Resources: The health and wellbeing of our employees is always our top priority and resources are available to alleviate stress and anxiety. Employees have access to resources such as virtual wellbeing seminars, 24/7 counseling services, and apps for meditation and personal health coaching.
- Virtual Learning: We pivoted our live employee career development courses by creating a virtual learning series aligned to our Adobe Capabilities to ensure that we keep investing in and supporting our people managers and employees during this time. Courses range from how to lead virtual teams, leading through change, building inclusion, and more.
- Work From Home Expense Fund: As work and home blend into the same space, this fund provides $500 USD to all employees to create comfortable and ergonomically-friendly workspaces.
- Time-off Grace Period: To help those who face extenuating circumstances that make it difficult to work from home, we offered a grace period to employees who accrue time off wherein they are able to take time off without deducting from their paid time-off balance.
- Global Adobe Day Off: Coinciding with the UN’s International Day of Families we thanked our employees for their resilience by declaring May 15 a global day off to rest, recoup and connect with their loved ones.
And we are thrilled to learn that employees have been taking full advantage of these resources. Here’s what some had to share:
“I wanted to keep a sort of routine, so I use the time I would normally spend commuting to meditate with the Headspace app, which is free to all Adobe employees. Since I started meditating, I feel much more focused and centered. Meditation is a great exercise to pause the permanent stream of thoughts that goes through our minds all day.”
“I never thought I would use the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is short-term counseling services. But recently I took the opportunity to call the EAP and share my own experience. I was surprised, as it felt I was talking to a friend; they listened and provided me with good ideas of what I can do to manage my stress with kids, distance learning, work and being on lockdown. It was nice to speak with someone who then provided practical ideas and solutions that I can then take and apply.”
“I wanted to become healthier all at once, but it was nice to focus on one habit at a time through LifeDojo, which is a wellbeing app that Adobe provides to empowers you to adopt healthier habits via a self-designed program and the support of a live coach. I love the bite-sized resources and now I’ve worked with my coach to build three new habits. LifeDojo gave me an accountability partner; knowing I would have a call with my coach helped motivate me and made me feel supported.”
To learn more about what we offer to our employees, drop by our benefits page.