New Year’s resolutions marketers should make – and keep

A new year is a fresh start — and given the upheaval and uncertainty marketers faced in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, a blank slate is decidedly needed. With a full year ahead, customer experience (CX) professionals worldwide are taking the opportunity to prioritize and set annual resolutions.

Though business continues to be conducted almost entirely virtually and may remain that way for the better part of 2021, the customer experience remains critically important and top of mind. Marketers should also double down on understanding their customer, leveraging data and focusing on quality end-to-end customer interactions and engagements.

We asked five CX executives what is top of mind for them in the new year.

“To reimagine! Marketers are fortunate to have been presented with a blank canvas for the coming year and must resolve to make the most of it. It will be interesting to see how brands change, and work on identifying an approach that reinforces customer trust and spreads positivity.”

Pallavi Singh, marketing director, BMW India

“Resolve to use data better! Personalized customer experiences remain critical in a competitive landscape. Harnessing data allows us to better understand consumer wants and needs to produce rewarding customer experiences that meet their needs and solve for specific business challenges. In the new year, we will empower marketers to leverage data using advanced technologies to drive creative throughout the CX journey, with seamless continuity across channels, to deliver rewarding customer experiences with mutually beneficial outcomes.”

Wayne Townsend, president, technology offerings, Epsilon

“Stay committed to creating fully-integrated and inclusive experiences for consumers. As your brand continues its transformation journey toward more connected, compelling, and personal engagements with customers, focus on growing the diversity of that audience as much — or more — than simply the size.”

Chip Knicker, global Adobe practice lead, Merkle

“Marketing success in 2021 will be defined by resiliency, agility and the ability to reimagine customer engagement. By strengthening personal relationships in this digital-first environment, and pushing the envelope in experience transformation, marketers can lead their organizations to new heights in 2021.”

Shade Vaughn, CMO, Capgemini North America

“After a tumultuous year, I resolve to ensure we are creating authentic content that deepens our connection with our community. Now, more than ever, people want to understand not just what you are selling but what you stand for as a brand. That means that every interaction counts and everyone should be contextually relevant and meaningful.”

Simon Morris, senior director of marketing, DMe, EMEA