Adobe India’s summer 2021 interns on interviewing, learning from mentors, and making connections to other professionals with disabilities

The Adobe India office building from the outside.
The Adobe India office.

At Adobe, we believe that great ideas and creativity are everywhere. Which is why we’re committed to building a diverse workforce where people with skills and passion can develop their ideas. As part of this commitment, we welcomed four people with disabilities (PWD) to intern with the Adobe Customer Solutions (ACS) team this summer in India. They worked on key projects and enriched us all with their unique blend of experiences, ideas, and talent.

At the end of the summer, we caught up with Ashutosh Kumar, Mayank Kaushik, Sumaiya Ajaz, and Kapish Luhariwala to ask about their experiences. Here’s what they had to say.

What was it like to interview for your Adobe internship?

Ashutosh Kumar: My Adobe interview was my first interview ever. Despite feeling nervous when I first faced an Adobe interviewer, I was surprised by their friendly demeanour and how they instantly put me at ease. The panel made sure to make me comfortable first and then start the interview. It was clear that Adobe offered comprehensive understanding, career development, learnings, and networking opportunities.

How would you describe your internship journey at Adobe?

Mayank Kaushik: My two months at Adobe has been a journey full of learning and fun. I got hands-on experience with high impact projects during the internship, which expanded my thinking and capabilities. My managers and senior Adobe leaders inspired me greatly. Their instant decision-making skills, points of view, and approaches to solving a problem inspired me. They helped me understand my role and the various career options available.

Apart from all the work, there were many insightful weekly sessions with the different leaders and members of ACS India. Various events like the Virtual Fair, Map-a-thon, and Adobe Alchemy Summit made my internship more fun and engaging. The last day at Adobe was full of mixed emotions. I was proud of my project but felt sad to return to my daily life routine!

Sumaiya Ajaz: The project, requirements, and team I had to work with were all assigned beforehand, which helped me overcome my early doubts. After we joined, we got aligned to a guiding mentor and a technical mentor, who guided my teammate and me throughout the internship as part of the data engineering team. Our manager and mentors constructively aided and taught us to learn and achieve the project's goals during every phase.

Ashutosh Kumar: During my project training, we had multiple interactions with Adobe leaders. Their down-to-earth nature moved me. They shared their personal experience and motivated us to challenge ourselves. My mentor was a reliable source of encouragement, and my team was exceptionally committed and helpful throughout the internship. They invested their time in us and gave my internship journey the best experience possible. Every Friday, we had a weekly call with the team and during this call, two or three ACS team interns presented their projects one-by-one, and we gave feedback. It was so impactful having this support system.

A photo of Ashutosh Kumar. He's wearing a blue suit and a red tie.

“My mentor was a reliable source of encouragement, and my team was exceptionally committed and helpful throughout the internship. They invested their time in us and gave my internship journey the best experience possible.”

Ashutosh Kumar

How did the Adobe internship impact your life?

Kapish Luhariwala: This internship changed me both personally and professionally. Not only did I gain practical skills, but I also had the opportunity to meet many fantastic people. I came to understand how a company works and what things are happening behind the curtain that lead to a company's success.

I could also connect with other people with disabilities. Our meetings helped me understand how other people with disabilities see their lives. I learned their points of view and how they have overcome their disabilities to achieve their goals. My Adobe internship resulted in one of the best summers of my life.

A photo of Kapish Luhariwala. He's wearing a red Adobe t shirt.

“Our meetings helped me understand how other people with disabilities see their lives...My Adobe internship resulted in one of the best summers of my life.”

Kapish Luhariwala

What are you passionate about? What are your long-term goals?

Sumaiya Ajaz: Disability is a topic not much talked about. I want to reach out to more people with disabilities. I want to empower their voices and mentor them. I plan to form a community of people to talk about our concerns openly without fear of judgment or sympathy. During my internship, I connected with the Access at Adobe Employee Network, where everyone was so supportive. When I join Adobe full-time, I would love to contribute actively to this group.

Adobe is committed to collaborating with employees—including summer interns—with diverse backgrounds to unlock the creative potential in everyone, and impact the world in ways both big and small. You can learn more about Adobe summer internships here.