Adobe announces Primetime Account IQ to measure, manage and monetize credential sharing

Adobe introduces Primetime Account IQ.

Adobe is announcing the launch of Adobe Primetime Account IQ which enables video streaming services to identify and understand credential sharing activity, measure the impact of applying actions, and effectively monetize subscriber behavior.

Nearly 4 in 10 Americans are using someone else’s streaming account and 29 percent of all D2C streaming accounts are being shared with others outside the household. US video streaming service providers are facing $25 billion revenue losses per year to Illegal sharing of subscription streaming credentials. Many popular video streaming services including Netflix, Disney+ and HBO Max have started addressing credential sharing, however there are multiple challenges when it comes to identifying and acting on credential sharing.

Detecting credential sharing and fraud is difficult and requires a deep understanding of the subscriber activity which needs robust data on usage pattern, sophisticated analytical tools, and audience insights. Account IQ data analysis powered by Adobe Sensei, Adobe’s artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, uses multiple ML-based models to accurately characterize usage patterns and provides video streaming service providers invaluable subscriber insights. This helps them understand usage behavior and identify when sharing takes place, with a high degree of confidence at an aggregate and individual account level, track and measure the impact of targeted actions and adopt an iterative strategy leading to optimal monetization over time.

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What’s unique about Account IQ

The Adobe approach to helping customers manage credentials sharing is based on an iterative strategy which leverages our big data expertise and propriety AI/ML enriched subscriber activity modeling to help service providers measure, manage and monetize credential sharing.

Account IQ: Features and capabilities

  • Sophisticated ML based approach: Trained with years of live data, our ML-based models derive critical elements not directly present in raw streaming data.

  • Account profile characterization: Categorizing individual accounts into usage patterns contextualizes sharing activity into understandable group behavior.

  • Insightful dashboards and reports: Detailed reporting and informative visualizations provide an understanding of the scope and impact of sharing tailored to meet specific customer needs.

  • Powerful analytics and tracking tools: Granular analytical tools provide deeper visibility into user behavior and segmentation insights. Operation impact reports help visualize impact and effectiveness over an extended period.

  • Integrates with Adobe and third-party solutions: Integrations enable customers to leverage their preferred tools to optimize actions on credential sharing and maximize business growth.

Screenshot of Account IQ features.

At the heart of adopting Account IQ are really three unique benefits that can lead video streaming services on their targeted growth paths:

Generate incremental revenue

Generate incremental revenue opportunities from casual sharers and excessive borrowers by promoting upgrade offers and enforcing strict controls.

Improve end user viewing experience

Make your systems easy to access by eliminating unnecessary security checks for legitimate subscribers, improving experience, and creating a positive brand impact.

Develop deeper audience understanding

Develop a deeper understanding of your subscribers and their usage patterns for better targeting, personalized recommendations and managing churn

Learn more and get in touch

Account IQ is now generally available for the US region. Learn more here or watch our recent

to learn more.

If you want to discuss your credential sharing challenges and actionability approach — get in touch with the Primetime Product team (