Updating Adobe’s Terms of Use

We recently rolled out a re-acceptance of our Terms of Use which has led to concerns about what these terms are and what they mean to our customers. This has caused us to reflect on the language we use in our Terms, and the opportunity we have to be clearer and address the concerns raised by the community.

Over the next few days, we will speak to our customers with a plan to roll out updated changes by June 18, 2024.

At Adobe, there is no ambiguity in our stance, our commitment to our customers, and innovating responsibly in this space. We’ve never trained generative AI on customer content, taken ownership of a customer’s work, or allowed access to customer content beyond legal requirements. Nor were we considering any of those practices as part of the recent Terms of Use update. That said, we agree that evolving our Terms of Use to reflect our commitments to our community is the right thing to do.

Read on for some of the key areas that we will make abundantly clear when we update our Terms of Use next week.

Areas of clarification within our Terms of Use:

Finally, we’d like to share what we’ve learned from speaking with many of our customers over the last few days.

In a world where customers are anxious about how their data is used, and how generative AI models are trained, it is the responsibility of companies that host customer data and content to declare their policies not just publicly, but in their legally binding Terms of Use.

Our updated Terms of Use, which we will be releasing next week, will be more precise, will be limited to only the activities we know we need to do now and in the immediate future, and uses more plain language and examples to help customers understand what they mean and why we have them.

Beyond our Terms of Use, we are committed to continue innovating ways to protect our customers in this new era, like advancing efforts like Content Credentials (attribution for creators, provenance of content, and enables the addition of “do not train” tags for images shared online) and the FAIR legislation that protects content creators from impersonation.

We recognize that trust must be earned. We are grateful for your feedback, will be connecting with many customers in our community this week to discuss our approach and these changes, and are determined to be a trusted partner for creators in the era ahead. We will work tirelessly to make it so.