Since our founding, Adobe’s employees have actively given back to the communities where we live and work. Our Community Impact Teams (CIT) make up a worldwide network of employees at every level who volunteer their time to coordinate fundraising and volunteering with local nonprofit partners to create change around Adobe offices.
Our CITs empower us all to make a difference together. We’re excited to spotlight one of our incredible employees, Scott Gruer, a Senior Solutions Consultant based in Singapore, who is bringing his unique vision to his role as a CIT Lead:
Scott has said that being part of Adobe’s CIT is both a privilege and a calling. In his own words:
Driven by a passion for helping underserved communities, he sees the team as a hands-on way to make a meaningful difference beyond the workplace. Last year, Scott spoke at a Tech for Good event by Engineering Good in Singapore, where he connected with advocates and innovators. Inspired by this experience, he began working on an assistive tech project, creating a working prototype app that leverages the Adobe Firefly Services API to allow those with limited motor skills to create art through basic touch and enabling people with disabilities to express themselves creatively. Through Adobe initiatives like the Employee Community Fund (ECF), he has been a part of tangible impact Adobe has on local nonprofits.
“ECF is amazing because it is a direct way Adobe can impact local nonprofit organizations,” he notes. “Not only from a financial perspective, but it has opened up dialogue between Adobe employees and the grantees to see how we can further collaborate.”
Adobe continues to be committed to doing the right thing by focusing on people, purpose, and community and dedicated employees like Scott help us maximize our reach for good, ensuring everyone has a voice and the opportunity to make a difference.