Photoshop CC アップデート 14.2.1
本日 Adobe Photoshop CC のアップデートをリリースしました。本アップデートは主に Photoshop CC バージョン 14.2 リリース後に見つかった問題点を改善する事を目的としています。主なアップデート内容は、
- Fixed issue where Smart Object is not updating correctly after going back in history with parent document
- Fixed issue with Generator and Linked Illustrator Smart Objects
- Fixed issue where bounds of layers exported via Generator are wrong
- Fixed program errors when Generator is enabled
- Fixed issue where backspace key doesn’t delete last point for Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso, Magnetic Pen
- Fixed issue where Generator stops generating files in documents with a large number of layers
- Fixed coordinate incompatibility between 14.0 and 14.2 when using 3D/actions
- Improved start-up time when scanning presets
- Fixed issue where clipboard is not retaining the correct size unless the resolution is set at 72 when copied from Illustrator
- Fixed issue with Smart Object updating incorrectly after drag and drop between unsaved documents
- Fixed issue rendering PSDs with 3D content created in prior versions
- Fixed issues errors, stability, and rendering issues with Scripted Pattern Fill
- Fixed crash on quit after creating video Smart Object
- Fixed stability issue when running Camera Shake Reduction filter on new Mac Pro
- Fixed issue with context menus not working on Windows (document titlebar, unit menu on w & h during transform, etc)
- Fixed issue where New Linked Smart Object via Copy layer updates wrong Smart Object after edit
- Fixed issue with inverted bump maps
- Fixed several crashing issues using Generator
- Fixed crashing issue build 3D print for Shapeways 3D print
- Fixed 3D issue with rendering after unchecking Surface Detail
- Fixed 3D crash when default presets are missing
- Fixed crashing issue when saving and closing document quickly after applying a filter
- Fixed issue with merging down 3D extrusion Material
- Fixed crashing issue with 3D cross-sections
- Fixed issue with placing linked Smart Object containing animation/motion
- Fixed issue when placing 3D files using Javascript
となってます。**リリースノートはこちら**をご確認ください (但し、今のところ英語)。