Edge Animate CC 2014.0.1 アップデート
2014年リリース Edge Animate CC のアップデートを提供開始しました。本アップデートでは、Chrome 上で発生する重要な問題の修正を提供しています。
Edge Animate Help / New features summary | Edge Animate CC (2014.0.1 release) | August 2014 (英語)
The 2014.0.1 release of Edge Animate CC provides a fix to rendering issues on Chrome, which occur due to vendor prefixes, along with a few other bug fixes.
Earlier, Edge Animate generated code for CSS properties along with vendor prefixes to render content appropriately in web browsers. With the Chrome v36 release, the browser gives preference to the default properties without vendor prefixes. This change from the vendor resulted in certain rendering issues in Edge Animate content. The 2014.0.1 release of Edge Animate CC addresses this issue.
If your Edge Animate content that did not render properly in Chrome, republish them after updating to Edge Animate CC (2014.0.1 release).