新進気鋭の日本の女性アーティストにスポットライトを当てた企画展示 「BLOSSOM BLAST」
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毎年、3月8日(火)は「国際女性デー」として世界中でイベントが行われています。今年は女性アーティストにスポットライトを当てた企画展示「BLOSSOM BLAST (ブロッサム・ブラスト)展」が クリエイティブ・エージェンシー TokyoDex と UltraSuperNew の共同主催で開催されています。日本で活躍中の14名の話題の女性アーティストの作品が3月1日(火)〜16日(水)まで展示されています。
例えば書道家 万美さんの「Calligraf2ty (2016)」と題された作品はシンプルでありながら力強い「女」の漢字を表現しています。一方で、Kuristina culinaさんの「What is your sexual identity at this moment?」のインスタレーションではより複雑な男女という性別の関係を探求しています。
Kuristina culinaの「What is your sexual identity at this moment?」
展示会のオープニングレセプションを終え、「素晴らしいスタートがきれたと思います」とサイトウさんは語ります。「作品展示を楽しむ人、来場者と自分の作品について語り合うアーティスト、モバイルアプリ Adobe Capture CC の体験、Gerutamaさんによるライブペイント演出、DJ Jaychanによる音楽など、活気のある空間となりました。このオープニングに参加することで多くの人が「女性の力強さ」を称賛することができました。満ち溢れる女性のエネルギーを感じようと集まった人々の光景は、通常のギャラリーのオープニングとは全く異なるものでした。」
Gerutama によるライブペインティングの制作風景
モバイルアプリ Adobe Capture CC を通して見る「BLOSSOM BLAST」
今回、会場ではアーティスト、来場者の皆様にアドビのモバイルアプリ Adobe Capture CC を通して作品を鑑賞していただく体験をしていただきました。それぞれの使ってみた感想とコメントを紹介します。
「Adobe Capture CC をはじめて使ってみて、レスポンスの速さにまず驚きつつ、個人的にColor機能に興味を持ちました。アプリを使うことで同じ色の中にも光の当たり具合によって色んなトーンがあることを再認識させられました。」
「先日、帰り道の電車の中でアプリを使っていろんなものをキャプチャしていたのですが、気づくと私のまわりに存在する色のチョイスやデザインが突然、とても『日本的』に見えてきて、無意識に目に入ってくる色も置かれた環境の配色に影響されて生活しているんだと再認識させられました。絵画ひとつを例にとっても、そこで選ばれる色とその作家の関係について、改めて考えながら作品制作をすると面白いんじゃないかなと思いました。」 サイトウ・ミキ (アーティスト/キュレーター)
Frankie Cihi (アーティスト)
Adobe Capture CC を通して自分の作品を見つめるアーティストのFrankie Cihiさん
BLOSSOM BLAST展は原宿のUltraSuperNewギャラリーで3月16日(水)まで開催されます。期間中は、土日も含め、午前10時から午後7時までオープンしています。3月8日(火)の「国際女性の日」には、午後7時から午後10時までレセプション・パーティーが開催されます。入場無料でだれでもご参加いただけます。ご興味ある方は以下ギャラリーページをご確認の上、ぜひ足を運んでみてください。
会場:UltraSuperNew Gallery
主催・キュレーション TokyoDex、UltraSuperNew
All photos by URRY urryphotograph.com
BLOSSOM BLAST An Exhibition Showcasing Emerging Female Artists in Japan
Blossom Blast is an all-female artist exhibition curated by the creative agencies TokyoDex and UltraSuperNew in tandem with International Women’s Day, celebrated globally on March 8. The exhibition, which opened on March 1 and runs through March 16, features the work of 14 up-and-coming artists from around Japan and represents a wide range of styles and media.
Adobe’s own female employees were there to celebrate the opening on March 1, and there they had a chance to chat with some of the artists as well as lead curator Miki Saito. Saito shared a bit about her impetus for putting this show together and her thoughts about opening night.
”While I work in the art field, it isn’t often that I come across female artists, or women in general working in the arts,” explains Saito. “I wanted to create a show where I could find similar artists like me, to share that energy and hard-work ethic we need to make it in this industry.
I was pleasantly surprised with the passion female artists had for the cause of this show. Four artists made new work specifically for this show (including myself), and beforehand a few of the artists even sat down with me and talked at length about their passion for the show, empowering women in the creative field, and how their creative endeavors resonated with the theme.
It was also great to see so many men supporting the cause, and in the end, many women that came to the show were so happy that there was a place for female artists to be highlighted. Male or female, everyone seemed to enjoy the energy that filled the show, and that was more than I could have hoped for.”
The energy that Saito speaks of was definitely palpable on opening night. The bold and eclectic body of work she put together celebrated all facets of femininity, not just in color and form, but also in their tackling of themes related to women’s issues. These themes were expressed sometimes very directly, as in Calligrapher Mami’s simple but powerful rendition of the Chinese character for “Woman” in her piece “Calligraf2ty (2016)”. On the other hand, Kuristina culina’s “What is your sexual identity at this moment?” installation tackled the more complex issue of male-female relationships in sculptural form.
In the end Saito could not have been more pleased to get the show off to a great start. “The opening was fantastic!,” she confirms. “We had a good crowd really enjoying the artwork, artists interacting and talking about their work, people trying Adobe Capture CC, live painting by Gerutama, great music by DJ Jaychan… there was just so much going on that night. So many people were eager to be part of the cause by participating in the opening, to feel the female energy… and that was definitely different from a normal art gallery opening.”
Adobe Capture CC at Blossom Blast
Throughout the evening, artists and guests alike could also be seen with their smartphones out, viewing the exhibition via Adobe Capture. For many people it was the first time to use the tool, and below are some thoughts they had to share about the experience.
“Adobe Capture CC was really interesting. I was surprised how fast it could react to what it captured. Especially how it captures color. When I point it to one color, within that same color it can give you specific shades converted through the different light it catches. I actually was so amused with that function I pointed it at everything on the way home on the train the other night. It really gets you thinking of how culture can affect your color scheme taste. All the designs and colors chosen around me all of a sudden seemed very Japanese in a way I never realized. It changed my perception and understanding of how I was unconsciously influenced by all these elements, and it could be an interesting approach to construct a painting through a conceptual understanding of a person’s relationship to environment and color.”
Miki Saito (Artist/Curator)
“I wanted to know what colors were latently inside of me, so the first thing I did was use Capture on photos of my home town. I was surprised to see how muted those colors were— it was a bit of a new discovery to actually analyze the colors I had grown up on, because in my mind’s eye I always envisioned the colors inside me to be so much brighter. But when I look at the colors I use in my own artwork, these are indeed the colors of the palette of my hometown. It was fascinating to realize there is an unconscious world of color inside of me.”
Yoriko Youda (Artist)
“I think the features have a lot of potential for artists and designers— I’m still looking for ways to apply it to my creative process. Clients often ask me to match the colors of my painting with the environment, so I think it would have some application there. The technology is remarkable. I feel like fashion & cosmetic industries as well as interior designers would also benefit from this tool.”
Frankie Cihi (Artist)
Blossom Blast is up at UltraSuperNew Gallery until March 16, open daily 10am to 7pm. There will also be a special International Women’s Day celebration in the gallery on Tuesday March 8, from 7pm to 10pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Dates: 3/1 (Tue) – 3/16 (Wed)
Opening Hours: 10:00〜19:00
Venue: UltraSuperNew Gallery
1-1-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN 150-0001
Organized by, Curated by: TokyoDex, UltraSuperNew
All photos by URRY urryphotograph.com