
https://blog.adobe.com/media_c82a9b0fe0365f72d37a55784b1935bda6b28715.gif* English follows after Japanese.

※本ブログは、アドビ システムズ 株式会社の人事部長であるキム ブロンスタインによる投稿です。




このたび、日本法人のアドビ システムズ 株式会社は、従業員を職場の内外でサポートする継続的な取り組みの一環として、産前産後休暇と出生休暇(男性従業員対象)の制度を、8月 1日付で大幅に拡充しました。





  1. これから出産を迎える社員にとっては、とてもありがたい制度です。シンプルに、さらに成果をあげて、会社のためにもっと貢献したいとモチベーションが高まりました。家族との時間を大切に「Great place to work」というコンセプトを有言実行してくれたので、うれしく享受しつつ、仕事での成果で期待に応えたいな、と思いました。私の場合は、比較的早い復職を予定していますが、今回の制度変更により、産休中の選択肢が広がったので、家族とも相談する場をもつことができました。それによって、自分は「制度にあわせて」復職するのではなく、仕事や家族の状況、キャリアプランなどをトータルで考えて、自分の意思で復職のタイミングを選んでいる、という実感を改めて持つことができました。今後2人目を出産する機会があれば、その時はもっと長く取得させてもらうのもありなのかな、そのためにはどのようにキャリアを積んでおく必要があるかな、など、想像の幅が広がりました。
    (女性、入社 1 年 8 か月)
  2. 入社当時から、アドビは社員を中心にすえたアクティビティや CR 活動などが多く、社員の健康や幸せについて、とても関心を寄せている会社だと感じていました。今回の変更による出生休暇日数の増加は、アドビがワークライフバランスに真摯にコミットしてるということを、さらに感じさせるものだと思います。我が家は今年、男の子の双子が生まれたばかりなので、家族が揃い、子供たちとの絆を深めつつ家事を手伝うのに、この 10 日間の出生休暇はとても貴重な時間となります。ハッピーな家庭環境を築けることは、ハッピーな社員でいることに結びつき、それはさらに、ハッピーなお客様を増やすことにつながると考えています。
    (男性、入社 8 か月)
  3. 今回の制度改正を聞き、これはすごいな、この制度なら不安を感じないで産休を取れそうだな、と感じました。出産を考える女性の社員にとって、子供を産んだ後もやっていけるだろうか?という漠然とした不安のようなものがあると思うのですが、会社が積極的にサポートするという姿勢を見ることで、私自身はとても勇気づけられました。この制度を利用して、仕事と家庭を両立して頑張っていこうと思う方が増えていくと思います。
    (女性、入社 6 か月)


POSTED BY Kim Bronstein, Head of Japan Employee Experience (HR)

on August 24, 2016

Adobe is a leading company when it comes to introducing innovative practices to support its global workforce in all aspects of their jobs. We are dedicated to helping our employees develop their skill and enrich their careers at Adobe.

Towards that end, we provide the resources needed for our employees to explore their creativity, innovate, enhance their education and skills and take on new challenges. Equally important is supporting our employees during significant life events and helping them find a better work-life balance.

As part of our continued efforts to support our employees both in and outside the workplace, Adobe Japan has announced significant enhancements to our maternity and paternity leave benefits, made effective August 1, 2016.

Highlights of Adobe’s enhanced Japan maternity and paternity leave benefits include:

  1. Maternity Leave new benefits: 26 calendar weeks of paid-time off for the birth or adoption of a child. This is an increase of 12 weeks.
  2. Paternity Leave new benefits: 10 working days paid-time off after the birth or adoption of a child. This is an increase of 7 days.

These leave enhancements reflect our commitment to support working families and provide them with the time needed to bond with new additions to their family. This initiative is one aspect of our diversity strategy, making it easier for employees to balance their personal and professional commitments.

Our employees are essential to Adobe’s continued success; they contribute to our culture, our products and services and our ability to innovate for our customers. We are proud to be driving significant maternity and paternity leave changes to support our working families.

Comments from employees:

  1. The revised policy is fantastic for an expecting mother, and I am thankful. The changes purely increased my motivation and drove my desire to achieve better results in order to contribute to the company. The renewed policy embodies the messages the company has been sending us – “Spend time with your family”; “Great Place to Work” – so I strongly feel that, after I gratefully enjoy the benefits of the policy, I want to give back to the company through results at work upon coming back. I intend to return to work relatively soon this time; however, with the policy changes, my family and I now have more options to consider on how we make the most of the leave, and I was able to discuss that with my family. I felt more empowered knowing that I myself made the decision on when to return, not according to when the policy says you need to. I was able to holistically view where work, my family, my career plans stood, and this made me feel I had the ownership. It also gives me the opportunity to explore thoughts about a longer leave were I to have our second child, and on how I should develop my career by then.
    (Female employee, 1 year 8-month tenure)
  2. When I first joined Adobe I noticed a lot of employee-focused activities, CR activities, and what seemed to be a sincere overall interest from the company in the employees’ well-being. The revised paternity leave policy speaks even louder of Adobe’s real commitment to employees and to work-life balance. My wife and I just had a pair of twin boys this year. So, being able to spend ten days as a family bonding with the babies and helping around the house is an invaluable opportunity. Happy family life promotes happy employees, and happy employees promote happy customers!
    (Male employee, 8-month tenure)
  3. I heard about the revised policy and thought, “Wow this is great! I won’t have to be nervous taking maternity leave!” Many female employees, including me, feel nervous and uncertain when we think about having a baby and returning to work – we have this feeling of anxiety about whether we can really make it. Seeing the company proactively offer us support makes me feel extremely encouraged. I think there will be more people who will want to leverage this policy and do their utmost to balance personal and professional lives.
    (Female employee, 6-month tenure)