Adobe celebrates National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Graphic of hands working together.
Special thanks to Serena Zhao for her contributions to this article.

Each October, Adobe looks forward to celebrating National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). It’s a special opportunity to highlight our ongoing security efforts and further engage our employees and engineering community on cybersecurity best practices.

While we’ll mark this year’s occasion a bit differently, with a fully remote workforce, we’re excited to carry on with our yearly tradition and host a number of virtual events for employees to take advantage of throughout the month of October. We’ve invited several speakers, including internal experts and industry guests, to present on topics that are relevant in many aspects of cybersecurity, with a special focus on educating our employees’ on how to stay safe online and #becybersmart in their personal and professional lives. This has never been more important, especially as we navigate this new work environment.

These events include:

  • Security Best Practices at Home: The Adobe security team will be educating employees on how to best protect themselves online and what to do if they find their personal accounts have been compromised. Additionally, Adobe is bringing in experts from the Center for Cyber Safety and Education to teach Adobe families how to stay safe online during this unprecedented time.
  • Exploring Ethical Tech: The author of Future Ethics will explore why nascent ethics initiatives stumble in tech companies, the structural difficulties that lead to unethical decisions, and the questions that most obstruct moral progress.
  • Securing Your Home Wi-Fi: This session will discuss the basics of home Wi-Fi, including how to set up home routers more securely.
  • Maintaining a Strong Security Posture at Adobe: The Adobe security team will be hosting a discussion to share best practices and talk about how employees can heighten security given they are one of our first lines of defense.
  • Getting to Know Your Operational Security Stack: In this session employees will learn more about the Adobe operational security stack, how it works, and how it helps keep our data in the cloud safe.
  • Getting to know your Application Security Stack: This session can help software engineers become more familiar with Adobe’s application security tools and processes.
  • Protecting Yourself Online: This session will share best practices and safety tips for employees to learn what they can do to better protect themselves online.
  • Secure Code Warrior Tournament: Employees from the various teams will have the chance to participate in a friendly “capture the flag” tournament, learning about various attack methods to better understand how to protect themselves. The winner will be awarded with coveted prizes.
  • Protecting Employee Data: The Adobe security team will be hosting a session on Adobe’s commitment to protecting employee data, discussing what is being done to enhance protection of employee data.

These events will be hosted virtually across all our major offices – including San Jose, San Francisco, Lehi, Seattle, Hamburg, and Noida. To further promote awareness, many of the events will begin by showcasing one of our popular security awareness videos – also available to the public for free.

We see our employees as one of our first lines of defense, making it imperative to keep them up to date on best practices that help us maintain a strong security posture at work and at home to stay #becybersmart.

As we know, the security threat landscape is continually changing. Maintaining a strong security awareness program helps to inherently increase your organization’s security posture and defenses.