Adobe kicks off Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Security analysts protect internet-connected systems with shield.
Image credit: Adobe Stock/ Visual Generation.

Each October, we look forward to celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CAM). This annual milestone is an opportunity to spotlight Adobe’s ongoing cybersecurity efforts as well as raise awareness among our employees about exciting new developments and best practices in the space.

We have a number of sessions lined up for our employees to hear from coworkers on tips and best practices, as well as other industry experts to share perspective. We have some informative and fun security programs for our employees to participate in that will help further education and awareness on cybersecurity tips, how to stay safe online, and #becybersmart.

This year’s events and activities will be hosted virtually for employees, and include:

  • Future and Vision for Cybersecurity at Adobe: Adobe’s Chief Security Officer (CSO), Maarten Van Horenbeeck, will share top principles that guide how he approaches cybersecurity and his vision for what’s coming next.
  • Cyber Threat Trends and Prevention Guidance: Elvis Chan, assistant Special Agent in Charge with San Francisco’s FBI, will speak exclusively with Adobe employees about the most prevalent cyber threats, and share tips on how to increase online safety.
  • Something Smells Phishy: I will personally host a session sharing key indicators to help our employees spot phishing attempts more accurately and remind employees of the resources to report suspicious emails.
  • An Inside Look into the Adobe Security Coordination Center: Leaders from our security coordination center (SCC) team will share a look into their world and how they enhance and maintain Adobe’s cybersecurity defenses.
  • Scary Stories from the Dark Web: Bill Woods, former Special Agent in Charge for St. Louis’ FBI, will share personal stories and take Adobe employees behind the curtain to give perspective on the cybersecurity space.
  • Protecting Your Home Network: Adobe security architect, Jason Joy, will provide tips on how employees can enhance protection for their networks at home.
Quote from Maarten Van Horenbeeck. Chief Security Officer, Adobe.

In addition to these ever-popular events, we’re expanding our security awareness efforts including a fun initiative we call, ‘Swipe Right on Cybersecurity,’ an interactive game for employees to test their skills in detecting suspicious activity.

We have a jam-packed schedule this October, but these educational awareness activities continue year-round for us. With the cybersecurity landscape continuously shifting and evolving, it’s important to keep employees engaged about the latest cybersecurity trends and reflect on what we can all do to keep enhancing security internally and among the broader industry.