What it means to belong

We recognize the importance of building a diverse culture and community. When our employees connect and feel like they belong, this results in stronger employee attraction, engagement, and retention.

The Black Employee Network (BEN) at Adobe has a mission to recruit, retain, and advance diversity at Adobe and across the tech industry by building awareness of diversity issues, facilitating leadership opportunities, and participating in activities that uplift local communities.

So, what does it mean to belong? When thinking about how to celebrate Black stories this year, BEN is focusing on the power of belonging. We're connecting with our community through lessons in history, reflections from leaders, spotlights of employee stories, and more, to help our employees feel seen and connected.

For Senior Computer Scientist and Government & Law Enforcement Technology Evangelist, John Penn ll, belonging means creating new solutions together. Today, we want to share a recent interview with John, one of our longest Adobe community members. In this interview, John shares how he has experienced belonging at Adobe and how this feeling has influenced his way of work.

How does Adobe instill a sense of belonging for you?

Adobe’s culture is diverse and full of history. For me, there is belonging in the long-shared history with my colleagues; in the diversity you see walking the halls or eating in the cafes. And, perhaps most personally, in the response I get from others around the company who are so eager to help when I’m looking for a solution or think to reach out when they’ve created something that might help in my work.

As you found your true calling in your work, how has Adobe specifically supported you in shaping the direction you wanted to follow?

I think I have one of, if not the most, unique role at Adobe. I’ve had support from my colleagues, managers, and executives in making the role I have today possible. Adobe support has made it possible for me to travel to and work from the places that will most make a difference. It’s provided opportunities to support organizations like the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) where the full set of our tools are being used to make a difference. It has given me the trust to grow the role and the responsibilities that come with it.

How does it feel to work on projects you deeply care about and find meaningful?

It’s incredibly rewarding to work on projects that empower people. Working on Photoshop and seeing people use the software to express themselves was always awe-inspiring. In the work I do now, I get to help people use our technologies to change lives for the better, give names back to the unknown, and make the world a safer place for children. It’s impossible to explain what it feels like, other than to say I get up every day energized to help try to make a difference.

What piece of advice would you give to someone who is interested in pursuing a role at Adobe?

Adobe is a great place for growth and discovery. Over the years I’ve seen so many of my colleagues engage in new opportunities, develop new skills and take on new roles. I started at Adobe as a Sr. Computer Scientist and would have never imagined working in the role I do today, but it’s been the most rewarding work of my career. So my advice would be, come to grow, and be open to possibilities.