Preparing for your interview: Tips and strategies

People meeting for an interview.

Applying for jobs, going through interviews and the entire start-to-finish of the recruitment process can be challenging and overwhelming — and we’re here to make it easier. Our teams of Talent Partners receive a lot of questions from candidates like how to craft a stand-out resume and how to prepare for and be memorable in an interview. Our Asia Pacific Talent Acquisition team shares their perspectives and expertise on several topics to help candidates set themselves up for success. In this article we’ll explore tips, tricks, and best practices for preparing for interviews.

Do your homework

So that you can demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest for a role, you need to thoroughly prepare for your interview. Preparation helps you to confidently articulate your skills, experiences, and alignment with the company. Researching the company and role enables you to ask insightful questions, have a baseline knowledge about what the company does, showcase your genuine interest and practicing responses enhances your ability to communicate effectively under pressure. Overall, preparation boosts your self-assurance, optimises your performance, and maximizes your chances of making a positive impression on the interviewer.

Research, research, research

Doing your research prior to an interview is essential as it displays your commitment and knowledge about the company. This will help you to tailor your responses to the company's values and goals, understand their products and what they do and learn about other initiatives that may be relevant like DE&I or Corporate Social Responsibility. Annabelle Leung, APAC talent specialist, believes doing your research, both on the job and the company, will go a long way:

This thorough research underscores your commitment to the role and empowers you to stand out as a well-prepared and valuable candidate.

Have examples at the ready

This is super important as it offers tangible and concrete evidence of your skills and experiences. Well-chosen examples illustrate your ability to handle challenges, collaborate, and achieve results.

Examples thar are able to show a clear outcome or achievement are great to help you during your interviews. Emma Lyall, APAC sourcing specialist, suggest that “preparing examples of previous experience or capability help you to demonstrate how you can contribute to the role or team.”

This preparation showcases your practical competencies, highlights your value to the organization, and reinforces your credibility as a candidate who can deliver real-world contributions.

Quote from Smarita Mohanty, Senior Talent Partner, APAC.

Network and connect whenever possible

Connecting your experience back to the company in an interview is crucial as it demonstrates your understanding of the role's relevance. By aligning your past achievements with the company's needs and values, you show how your skills directly contribute to its success. This connection highlights your capacity to make an immediate impact and integrate seamlessly into the organization. It also conveys your proactive approach and enthusiasm for fulfilling the company's objectives, making you a compelling candidate who is not only qualified but also invested in the company's growth. Vincent Chi, APJ talent sourcing manager, believes connecting your experience makes the conversation a lot easier:

Quote from Vincent Chi, APJ Talent Sourcing Manager.

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