The Adobe Community Experts Program consists of creatives, freelancers, authors, publishers, hobbyists, content creators, educators, trainers, and industry influencers from among our customer base who use their experience and expertise to guide, educate, and inspire the current and next generation of Adobe users.
As community leaders in their field, they exemplify our values of sharing their product expertise, with a passion for fostering creativity, and supporting their peers.
They’re everywhere in the Adobe ecosystem, from our Adobe Community, our Discord servers, Reddit, Facebook groups helping our users; on YouTube and LinkedIn Learning creating content — even at other industry events, both online and in person.
At Adobe MAX, we bring together as many Community Experts as we can to celebrate our successes and milestones, as well as to get to have some creative fun in person. This year, we had over 60 Community Experts from all over the world join us at the event — and even if you couldn’t, we’ve compiled the highlights below.
Ask The Experts at the Creative Park
This year, for the first time ever, we revamped our ‘Ask The Experts’ section in the Creative Park. In the center of it, attendees could meet the teams and ask their most pressing questions.
We had four ‘Ask The Experts’ areas, one per each neighborhood: Photography, Video, Graphic Design and 3D.
Throughout the entire conference, attendees were able to stop by any of these booths and ask their creative questions or about their favorite app workflows. The Community Experts were there to help, share and connect with everyone.
A big thank you to our Ask The Experts Community Experts, this wouldn’t have been possible without you!
Want to see them in action? Check out this video!
MAX Speakers
We’d like to extend a heartfelt welcome to the new Community Experts we invited to join us at this year’s MAX:
As well as highlight all the other members of the Community Experts Program that were speakers and instructors of their own sessions:
Did you know you can still watch some of their sessions On-Demand? Check them out:
Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants are either Adobe employees or Adobe Community Experts that you can find in all sessions. They’re there to assist should any of the attendees have a question or an issue, so they can follow the training without interruptions.
Huge congratulations to all the Teaching Assistants from the Adobe Community Experts Program:
If you made it this far, thanks so much for celebrating our journey with us.
Here’s to an even more amazing Adobe MAX in 2024!