Sneak Peeks at Adobe MAX 2015 Rocked
I don’t usually headline a blog with such overflowing self aggrandizing of our company’s efforts but this year the sneak previews of early technology impressed. We don’t stream the Sneaks live (sorry), like we do the rest of our MAX program (watch the keynote sessions here, and don’t miss our new Adobe channel on Twitch) so this is a rundown of all 12 of the projects with embedded videos. Note that none of these are baked into Creative Cloud products yet, but if you make some noise, maybe they will. Each Sneak below has a hashtag, share your thoughts on the tech preview using the hashtag on social, letting the product teams know what you think, and perhaps that will spur things along…
Our Sneak Peeks program at MAX this year was hosted by our own Kim Chambers, community manager with our Experience Design team & Swimmer Extraordinaire. The session was co-hosted by none other than Nick Offerman – writer, actor, wood worker and generally hilarious guy. Lots of good banter, but note that Nick’s humor isn’t for the faint of heart so the videos below are for mature audiences.
Taking pictures of landmarks and sites can be difficult, the more popular the location the more likely it is that people, vehicles, and other objects will get in the way obstructing your view. “Monument Mode” uses a new algorithm to distinguish moving objects from fixed ones, one-click and those obstructions are gone for good. If this tech preview comes to fruition, your tourist images will be beautifully without any other tourists.
Inspiration can strike anywhere, and fortunately we’re all armed with devices that can capture those moments of inspiration when they occur. But captured images can fail to reflect inspiring perspective, until now…
Can’t find the perfect font for your project? Then maybe you will just create it! “Project Faces” is a whole new way to think about tweaking, adapting, and creating fonts that perfectly reflect your message.
Photoshop can convert photographs to 3D images, but the process currently involves lots of manual steps. Our new early tech preview of 3D portrait technology smartly recognizes facial elements, eyes and mouth and more, quickly and efficiently automating much of the process of turning photographs into usable, printable, 3D images.
Searching for that perfect image isn’t easy. Between subject, backgrounds, colors, style, and more, finding the right search terms to locate the right image is a slow process of trial and error. “Louper” rethinks image searches allowing for fast and efficient image selection and search refinement.
Ah, Photobombs, the perfect way to ruin that perfect image. Over the years Photoshop has provided photographers and designers with powerful tools to remove unwanted artifacts and distractions, and we’re not done yet. Thanks to an artificial intelligence engine and lots of accumulated data, we could make defusing photobombs a whole lot easier.
Designers have thousands of fonts to choose from. But what do you when you see the perfect font but don’t know its name? DeepFont is a smart font recognition system, give it a picture of the desired font, and it’ll help with font identification.
There’s something magical about that perfectly expressive animation. And until now, there’s also been a significant learning curve to even getting started with motion graphics. “Project Maestro” would let you use simple and natural touch to build beautiful and sophisticated movement right on your tablet device.
When you’re creating your design, you want to use content as close to the final product as possible. Project Comet’s sneak #DesignWithData makes it easier to quickly drop in realistic sample content or get actual data from a file, website, or from the cloud to help you make better designs.
Soundtracks add emotion and depth to movie sequences, Well, they do when tempo and rhythm match the scene and mood. Adjusting audio recording to fit the right durations is a manual and tedious process. Or rather, it used to be.
Manipulating images realistically requires that designers pay careful attention to lighting and shading. If only there was a way to extract shading from an image so as to be able to use it in another image? Hmmm…