In the past few weeks we’ve begun to roll out updates to our brand identity. Some of you may have noticed these changes, so we want to share more info about what we’re doing.
The number of products Adobe offers is extensive — serving a very wide range of audiences who have a broad set of needs. We are always impressed and inspired by the ways people use our products. From students to businesses, creative professionals and beyond, the stories they’re telling and experiences they’re creating through our products are truly remarkable.
We’re making these branding changes to ensure our portfolio continues to be easy for our customers to navigate and understand, as well as maintain a fresh look and feel.
Let’s dig in.
The Adobe Logo
Our current logo has represented Adobe since 1993. The slight changes we’re making focus on ensuring the mark is as functional as possible at all sizes and across all surfaces. With that context, we are shifting to a single color, all-red logo, and are refreshing the specific color red to be warmer and more contemporary.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Color plays an important role in the way we express Creative Cloud and our broad range of creative products. The new Creative Cloud logo brings the colors of our product brands and our new corporate red together into one beautiful gradient that represents the importance of creativity. We are also increasing the weight of the Creative Cloud logo itself to increase legibility and scalability.
For product logos, we’ll use our 2-letter mnemonic system across the whole portfolio (e.g. Ps represents Adobe Photoshop.) We’ll also be adding 3-letter mnemonics to the system to help customers better identify product families, for example Adobe Photoshop (Ps) and Adobe Photoshop Camera (PsC). We are also using color to organize products into categories such as Video & Motion or Photography, to ensure customers can easily find the products they need. Product logo colors have been optimized for accessibility as well.
Creative Cloud and all product logos will have rounded corners so that the system can flex to accommodate the range of operating systems and devices our products can be used on. We are removing the border for this reason as well.
Adobe Document Cloud
The trefoil logo (see example below) is a core component of how we express Document Cloud and the related products in the portfolio. Moving forward, we are using the trefoil logo consistently across products, and the background tile color will distinguish products from one another. For example, Adobe Acrobat Reader will use a white trefoil on a red tile, while Adobe Scan uses a white trefoil on an blue tile. This shift communicates the connection between these products while also allowing for distinction between products.
We’re also increasing the weight of the trefoil shape, and removing borders and rounding the corners for all product logos.
Adobe Experience Cloud
Our focus with Experience Cloud is to streamline and simplify, and we’ve developed the new logo directly from our corporate mark to do just that. The refreshed version utilizes the inverse form of the Adobe logo and sits on a tile with the new Adobe red color. The applications and services within Experience Cloud use a similar form, with a red “A” on a white tile. Experience Platform also follows this approach with a red “A” on a dark tile.
All icons also have rounded corners and no borders.
This new system began rolling out at Adobe’s online SUMMIT event in March, and will continue in the coming weeks.
We’re excited to share our updated identity system with you. Our customers are at the heart of our brand, and we want to ensure you have insight into the evolution.