Typography matters: The art and science of typography and branding

Different faces on a purple background.

Let’s start by traveling back in time to the last project you worked on. Whether you were crafting something for a client, or working on a passion project, it probably kicked off with a brief or a discovery phase centered around hopes, dreams, and expectations for the design. Perhaps it all started with a list of values (innovative, human, fun, fresh) or an inspirational mood board. While it takes a good deal of work to align color palettes, shapes, and imagery back to the project goals, it takes a certain level of expertise (and sometimes hours of searching) to land on the right font. Whether you have a list of go-to typefaces you’ve relied on in specific settings, or spend hours scrolling through fonts, the selection process can be very personal, and sometimes a bit shapeless.

Variety of typefaces.

As a designer, one of the most challenging decisions at the start of a new project is choosing the type from thousands of options. The task of picking the perfect font to represent your brand can be quite daunting, whether it's for a campaign, a product launch, or a rebranding initiative. Did you know that typeface choice alone can boost positive consumer responses by up to 13 percent?

So, where to start? It may sound obvious, but the project brief and requirements can make a logical first step to set the foundation.

How can typographic form serve function?

Getting crystal clear about the requirements of the project is a critical step. Below are some starter questions to think through when starting any new project. These are just the tip of the iceberg though, rely on your brief for the full details.

Along the journey, remember to think about functionality. You’ll want to consider the accessibility, legibility, and emotional connection of the font you select. After all, the most legible typeface can be read 33.1 percent quicker than the least legible typeface. When you have limited time to make a good first impression, legibility is crucial.

The word Adhesion in different typface.

Practice perception mapping through quadrant work

One approach to selecting the type of font you use is to practice quadrant work, a framework to help understand which fonts resonate with brands. The quadrant is labeled on each axis point with a keyword to represent a brand’s positioning (such as traditional or modern) and font examples can be placed in each quadrant to map out their font perception.

Using frameworks for perception mapping is a great exercise to truly understand the stakeholder group you’re designing for and ensure that the final font you choose accurately reflects the brand’s persona, ambitions, and needs. You can also use this framework to experiment with font pairing. You might find that you need a typeface that functions on a large scale for certain applications and a different typeface that functions on a smaller scale for mobile applications. It’s important to make sure the fonts you choose pair well together and are in line with the brand’s core values.

Different typeface.

Leverage the power of emotion

While functional requirements and brand values go a long way, each typeface obviously has its own style and distinct DNA. The font you select has the power to resonate with consumers and can even encourage them to perceive a company logo in a more positive light. By harnessing the potential of these intricate details, you can stand out by fostering a subconscious, emotional connection with your audience. Since 2021, we have been researching the emotional impact of type, through the lens of neuroscience. We found that the “right” font can have a 9 percent increase in trustworthiness and a 10 percent increase in memorability. Experiment with sans serif and serif fonts and see what resonates most with your target audience.

Channeling the emotional values of the brand you’re designing for can help bring awareness to the importance of emotions in typography and help you find the font that matches the brand’s long-term vision.

Learn how to leverage the emotional power of type at Adobe MAX

We look forward to returning to Adobe MAX to check out new tech developments, learn from industry experts, and gather and bond with creatives in real life! We are also presenting our updated research, which has now been conducted in eight total countries, and most importantly, with concrete ways to bring it into your day-to-day work.

Tuesday, Oct 10 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT

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Whether you’re a type nerd or you prefer to let someone else make font decisions, understanding the emotional power of type will help you harness typography as a strategic tool to evoke specific emotions, foster connections, and give your designs a competitive edge.

This Adobe MAX 2023 post is sponsored by Monotype.