Pfeiffer Report: Acrobat AI Assistant helps knowledge workers complete document-related tasks 4x faster on average

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In this era of information overload, generative AI presents an incredible new opportunity to empower every knowledge worker to get more value from their documents and work more productively. That’s why we’ve introduced Acrobat AI Assistant, a generative AI-powered conversational engine that can be quickly and safely deployed and used, enabling our customers to turn informational overload into actionable insights that supercharge productivity.

But exactly how much time is saved? What are the quantifiable productivity gains? To better assess the impact that AI Assistant has on enterprise productivity, we commissioned benchmark research from Pfeiffer Consulting. Using their Pfeiffer Consulting Methodology for Productivity Benchmarking, the research analyzed the impact and productivity gains of Acrobat AI Assistant across 16 different workflow benchmarks and five key lines of business — human resources, legal & compliance, marketing & communications, finance, research & development.

Here are the key takeaways and insights from the research about each line of business. Overall, it reports that AI Assistant was found to be nearly four times faster than traditional methods on average for a wide range of tasks including text summarization, document analysis, information retrieval and organization as well as text composition:

The benchmarking project underscores how a broad spectrum of lines of businesses from HR to research and development can reap a range of benefits from AI Assistant including increased productivity, reduced manual effort, improved accuracy and enhanced compliance. The productivity gains highlighted in the research shows that AI Assistant can simplify document-related tasks, allowing knowledge workers to concentrate on higher-value activities to further drive business success.

Download the full report and learn more about how customers can use AI Assistant to supercharge their productivity here!