Introducing the first Adobe International Advisory Board

A team of highly respected industry leaders will join Adobe in its commitment to helping our customers adapt to a new era in digital experiences.

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As business leaders, it’s our responsibility to constantly evolve and help drive our organisations forward, especially during transformational periods.

Adobe has always been dedicated to helping our international customers take on new challenges, not just by providing the technologies they need to transform their businesses, but also by offering them guidance and insight to support them on their journey.

It is therefore my pleasure to introduce the appointment of the first Adobe International Advisory Board, a team of highly respected industry leaders that will join us in our commitment to helping our customers adapt to a new era in digital experiences, and partner with Adobe’s own leadership team to address the changes affecting each of the sectors and markets we serve.

Each of our six Advisory Board members brings with them a wealth of leadership experience developed at the highest levels of business, government, and policy. I am therefore honoured to serve as the Chair of the Adobe International Advisory Board alongside this exceptional group.

Please join me in welcoming:

The Adobe International Advisory Board is more than just a collection of exceptional minds. It is a platform where experienced leaders will provide unique insights into our customers’ needs and help shape our solutions towards superior digital experiences. Moreover, each of our board members has cut their teeth in economies at the forefront of digital adoption, developing an unmatched perspective on what it takes to succeed along the way.

Digital transformation is certainly a global phenomenon. That said, every industry is evolving at a different pace and the imperative to adapt takes different forms in different countries, which means there is no single approach to tackling the challenges of today.

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, no business or industry has gone unaffected. Leaders everywhere are rethinking the way they work, sell, and serve their customers, and the one constant across geographies is the need to act quickly and strategically. At Adobe, we know we play a major role in helping our customers to evolve and take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.

This has arguably been the most turbulent 12-month period in the modern business era, but now it’s time to apply the lessons learned from the past year and transform for what’s next. With the launch of the Adobe International Advisory Board, we are locked in and ready to deliver, no matter what the future holds.